Chapter One

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So here I am. 

In the big city of LA. 

Honestly I can't believe I am here, but at least I now get a fresh start. A fresh start away from all the drama's and issues that happened in the UK. The things I have always dreamed about leaving behind and now my past is officially behind me. 

"We're here!" I hear my younger sister Sidney exclaim, her face expression showed she was in awe. I look out of the car window to see the massive house right on the other side of this car door. I can't believe this is now our house. It is much bigger than the one we lived in Brighton, in the UK. A whole new country, a whole new start! Hopefully things turn out to be great here.

"Wow, this is... I'm speechless" My older brother Aiden says as he looks at our new house. Aiden is the only male figure I have had in my life since my dad died. He stepped up and started to protect me and take care of me when I was upset. Honestly best big brother ever. "Kaylee it's finally a fresh start!"

"I know, I am honestly gobsmacked!" I half laugh and half sit in awe just gaping at how amazing the house actually is. My mum giggles as well.

"Well kiddos what are you waiting for?!" My mum shrieks as she jumps out of the car. She's right we've been sitting here for the past 15 minutes just sitting in awe. But I have to say, my mum is a legend. She is successfully raising 3 teenagers on her own. Aiden being 18, myself, being 16 and Sidney being 13. Honestly she is a super mum. I jump out of our car and grab my small amount of luggage from the boot of the car. 

"I bags calling dibs on the first room!" Sidney yells out. Mum just shakes her head.

"No no, I decided Kaylee could, considering everything she's gone through" Mum says and she turns to look at me. "Go ahead Kaylee!"

"Uh okay!" I reply as I drag my suit case along the pavements and up to the front door. I take a deep breath, and look at everyone behind me and they all give me a nod of encouragement. I slowly turn the door nob and push the big wooden door open. My jaw just drops as I take in my surroundings. This place is massive.

I end up settling for one of the smaller bedrooms, which is located right up the top of the house. Even though this room is smaller than majority of the other rooms in this house, it is still much bigger than my one in Brighton. Since I am right up the top of the house, my room is pretty much a triangle. I have one window on the opposite my bedroom door. underneath that window my bed has been placed. I love it. On the side where the door is, there is also two more doors, to which I find the lead to my walk in wardrobe and my new en-suite. I'm not even kidding this house is enormous! I decide to start placing all my photographs on my walls.

Once I finish with my photos, I head down stairs where I find mum in the kitchen.

"Hey mum, am I able to take a walk down to the beach so I can get some cool shots?" I say holding up my camera and my phone.

"Of course, just be back before dinner time!" I smile as I walk out out of the house and towards the sandy beach. The beach is a 5 minute walk from my house, which is a massive bonus because I love the beach. It's just so soothing and relaxing. Makes me forget about time, and all my problems. Once I reach the beach I start to drift in my thoughts as I stroll down the beach. I can't believe we moved across to a new country to start fresh!

I keep mindlessly walking down the beach, when I feel myself collide into another body. Instantly I am knocked out of my deep thoughts and I look up to see a young, very good looking man hovering above me. To his right I see another young man laughing, but he looks like the guy I ran into to... Am I seeing double?

"I am so sorry, I just was lost in my thoughts and wasn't paying attention. Again I am so, so, so sorry!" I start to ramble on about how sorry I am, when the man I ran into shushed me.

"Shh it's okay honestly. I'm Grayson by the way, and this dork over here is my twin brother Ethan" Grayson introduces himself. I look at Ethan and he still is laughing. Twins. So I'm not seeing double. I nod as I take in this new information.

"Yeah I'm Ethan, sorry for laughing and being a dick but it's not everyday Grayson crashes into a cute girl, with a cute accent" Ethan says as he smirks and winks at me. I instantly blush. No guy has ever called me cute before. He must be just saying it to make me feel good.

"Oh um, well I'm Kaylee, nice to meet you both" I say smiling. I have never been so happy to meet people. Hopefully they're actually nice.

"Are you from the UK? You have a really strong British accent." Ethan asks. I try to read his face and he genuinely seems interested in what I have to say.

"Yeah I am actually!" I reply. "I legit only moved here today"

"Woah really?" Grayson and Ethan say shocked at the same time.

"Yeah" I look down at the ground. I feel a little embarrassed because I have never had such good looking guys pay so much attention to me.

"Well we better get going, where do you live? Maybe I, well we could walk you home.." Grayson suggests as he scratches the back of his neck. I nod.

"Well follow me then!" I say as I start walking back towards my house. They both quickly catch up to me and keep me company on the short journey back to my house. "We're here!"

"Well before we leave, can I get your number? So I can text you or something?" Grayson asks in a nervous tone. I nod as he hands me his phone. I quickly type my number into his phone, and wave the twins goodbye. Maybe I will actually have a shot at having a good life in LA...


Well Everyone, thank you for reading the first chapter of my first Fan Fiction. I hope you are enjoying it so far, and I can't wait to write more for you all. I am going to try post every Tuesday, but that may not always be possible. 

If you have any advice please don't hesitate to message me. Be sure to like, comment and follow! I hope you all have a lovely day :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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