Something Static

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(Cartman's pov)
I walked through the dirty white snow, the snow crunching under my shoes. Just another boring ass day in South Park. I walked up to my house and entered it, tossing my backpack on the couch lazily.
"Hello poopsiekins! Did you have a nice day at school?" My mom said from the kitchen.
"Yeah." I said while sitting on the couch and turning on the tv, not caring about anything she had to say.
"That's nice. Mommy has to go out today, but I'll be back by tomorrow, okay?" She said sweetly, walking out of the kitchen with a slutty dress on.
"Whatever." I replied, focusing on the tv rather than my whore of a mother.
She walked over and kissed my cheek, smudging her red lipstick on my face. I wiped her kiss off of my face in front of her, not giving a shit whether her feelings got hurt. She frowned slightly at me before perking up again.
"Bye sweetie, I'll be back soon." She said as she walked out of the door.
I sighed to myself as I heard the sound her car start and drive away. I watched tv for a few more minutes before getting up and grabbing a bag of cheesy poofs from the kitchen. I opened the bag and walked back to the couch to watch tv. As I sat on the couch and started to eat my snack, I got a weird feeling in my gut, y'know that feeling when you know something bad is going to happen? Yeah, that feeling. After a few minutes, the feeling started to bother me and I didn't feel hungry enough to eat anymore, which was rare for me.
I left the unfinished bag of cheesy poofs on the couch and walked upstairs, the bad feeling only growing stronger. I decided to lay in my room for a while until the feeling went away.
I walked into my room and laid on my bed, hoping that I would feel better soon. However, the feeling only got worse, and I started to get a headache. I was too lazy to go downstairs and get some pain killers, and I was already comfy in my bed, despite not feeling well. I decided to try and take my mind off of things by looking through my social media.
I took my phone out of my pocket and started to look through Twitter. I chuckled at some funny tweets and I started to ignore the feeling. I looked through my Instagram next, checking my new direct messages. I had a few new messages from my group chat, but oddly enough I had a deleted account in my messages. 'Instagrammer' was all it said with a blank profile picture. I curiously opened their messages to see who's account was deleted.
Before I could read any of the old messages, my vision became blurry and the sound of static filled my head. I started to sweat as the terrible feeling became worse and the pain of my headache increased.
What's happening? Why is this happening? What the hell?
  Suddenly, my phone died and once that happened, all the static in my head stopped and my vision returned to normal. I laid there, shocked from the experience and sweating nervously.
What the fuck just happened?
I glanced around my room and everything seemed to be normal, but the headache and terrible feeling still linger. I grabbed my charger and began to charge my phone.
Once I was able to turn it on again, I hesitantly checked my social media again. I nervously looked in my direct messages and noticed that the deleted account was gone. I stared at my messages, wondering if I was actually going insane. Then, I received a text from Kenny.
"Hey dude, did you so your homework yet?"
I sighed and opened my messages. Before I opened Kenny's text, I noticed a weird contact that I had messaged only about a day ago.
Their profile picture was blurred and their name was garbled text. I couldn't decide whether to open it or not, I didn't want to feel what I felt last time. I shook my head and decided that I wasn't a pussy, I needed to open the messages and find out who the fuck it was.
Upon opening the messages my vision blurred again. A repeat of what happened last time occurred again, but worse this time. The static was so loud, I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. I was shaking violently. I dropped my phone in fear. My head was pounding. My headache worsened until it became unbearable. I heard a loud scream, unable to tell if it was mine or someone else's.
Am I dying?
The pounding in my head was incredibly loud now. I couldn't bear it.

Someone help.

I felt like I was dying.

Please help me. PLEASE.

I felt like I was going to vomit, but I didn't have the strength to.

hElP mE, HeLp mE. HELP ME.

I was finally unable to take it anymore and passed out.
I woke up the next morning absolutely exhausted. It felt like I slept forever, but also ran a marathon at the same time.
I got up and got dressed, my headache still lingering from yesterday. I lazily brushed my hair and put on my hat, brushing my teeth afterwards. I walked downstairs and decided to skip breakfast, I wasn't really hungry anyways.
I grabbed my backpack and put it on, leaving my house and walking to the bus stop. I stood in my usual spot once I got there, waiting for my friends and the bus. Stan showed up first, and then Kenny. While we waited for the bus to arrive, Stan and Kenny chatted idly.
I stood there silently, starting to get that weird feeling. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't figure out what. I felt bored, empty almost. I tried not to think about it too much. Once the bus arrived, all three of us...wait..three? Isn't there supposed to be f̵̛͚͙͐̾͌̑ǫ̵̨̢̖̞̪̐̎͝u̶̠̇͋͛̅̽r̴̢̺͋͛ ̷̝̮̼̙̩̘͆͘ơ̴̲͈̗͒̔͊f̸͙̘͚́ ̸̗̥͋͗̐̃̽ú̵̢̗̠͉͎̟̚s̶̭̾̽̏?̶̧̛̻͔̝͍̀́̓́̏̈́

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