Chapter 5

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I sat there and waited for him to come back. I didn't know what else to do. I sat there for what feels like forever. I start to doze off but I try my hardest to stay awake in fear that I won't be ready for what he wants from me when he gets back.

I am shaken awake and when I open my eyes. I saw the last person I wanted to see, Blake. I thought I would be scared but all I felt was pure anger. I jump up on him and start to hit him in the chest, the face anywhere I can. I know it wasn't hurting him but I currently felt better. He then flipped me over so he was strataling me.

"What the hell!!" He screams at me. I just struggle not wanting him to touch me not wanting him to be near me.

"Take me home!!" I screamed. He then laughs.

"Are you crazy, do you have any idea how much I paid for you, you little bitch!!" he says in my face.

I then start to cry. But they were just silent tears. I turn my head away from him not wanting to look at the monster before me.

He soon gets off me after a while. But I just stayed there. I can't get up, all I can do is lay there and think about my family. All I wanted was to go home to my mom and dad. And have them tell me that everything will be alright. I hear a sigh come from Blake.

"Get up and go take a shower, the maids brought you some sleep wear." He said actually kinda nicely.

"I don't need you to do me any favors. So you can leave me the hell alone!" I yell standing up. He grabbed my waist and pushed me up the wall. He was putting a lot of pressure on me.

"Look here little bitch I don't need this smart ass commentary from you. Now you need to get in that shower before I go with you and make sure you get it done." He looked at me and every time I pulled my head away to break eye contact he grabbed my cheek with one hand and roughly made me look at him. I got up and started walking to the door he pointed at and I opened it and saw a bedroom, there was a huge bed and tv and all the stuff that makes up a normal bedroom. I was sure to find a coffin or something but it looked all to normal, which was unsettling to say the least. I feel his presence behind me and I walk in the room. He walks over to the door and opens it and he motioned me to go in. I do as he walks away to the other side of his huge room.

I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I didn't want to stay in too long in fear of him coming in and doing something. So I hurry up and get out of the shower. I looked at the clothes that he had put in the bathroom and it was really short shorts and a tank top. I put the blue bra I had on from the auction. And the underwear. I felt so dirty I didn't have any clean underwear but I would feel even more uncomfortable knowing I don't have any on. This was the most skin I have ever shown I mean I have a fit but curvy body. I still have some fat in some places but that was okay with me. I'm happy with my body. I tried to hurry so Blake won't do anything.

I open the door to see the naked back of Blake. Let me tell you he was so hot. Like you know he works out. The smallest movement his back flexed. He had gray sweatpants on though. He turns to me and smiles. I felt uncomfortable and just looked away.

"Um...where-where do I sleep?" I question him. He just smiles and chuckles a little.

"With me." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He goes and lays down, I look at the door and make a run for it. By the time I'm there he is in front of me.

"Now this is getting to get old really quickly, kitten," I was shocked at the nickname. "I want you to get in that bed and fall asleep." He said as if writing it out for me. I turn around and I lay down on the side he was just laying on.

"That's my side, kitten." He said amused.

"Not anymore." I said and turned around and closed my eyes. I then felt him lifting me up but by the time I could do anything he was laying down with my head on his chest. I try to get up but I can't. I hate how he controls my body like that.

"Get off me!!" I screamed. He just kept me in place. Getting comfortable nonetheless.

"You're on me kitten." He said with a smirk in his face.

I couldn't fall asleep with his arms around me. I didn't like it. I got no sleep but I'm ready to fight back even harder. I started to struggle to try and lose his iron grip he has in me.

"Stop moving kittens. If you keep moving like that then you will be in a position we both know you don't know what to be in." I didn't know what he meant till something hard poked me in the side. I then started to struggle even more ignoring his warning. He then flipped me over so he was on top of me inbetween my legs. He was kissing my neck and then when he was starting to come up I slapped him so hard I felt like I broke my hand. He then looked me in the eye and his eyes were pitch black. Not the normal ocean blue. He then took both my hands in his one hand and forcibly cocks my head to the left side and bites me. And it was the most horrible pain I have ever felt. It was like I was burning from the inside out, like little needles were scratching my insides. I was screaming bloody murder. It felt like forever before he pulled away. He had my blood on his lips when he came back up. He then got in my face.

"That will teach you to do as I say, and to NEVER EVER hit me again you ungrateful bitch." With that he got up from the bed and I cried out in pain, the pain was getting worse, he wasn't even biting me anymore and left before I could possess anything and slammed the door behind him leaving me there in pure agony. The pain just seems to have gotten worse. I sat up and started to sob in pain wondering what the hell was going on. He had been gone a while but it could have been only a few moments for all i know. All I knew was I was in pain and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

He then came back and the pain was still very high but it felt better when he stood by the bed next to be. I couldn't stop myself. I sat up and crawled over to the edge of the bed and hugged his stomach. The pain wasn't fully gone but it was very manageable and I could breath through the pain. He then pushed me off him.

"What the hell are you doing!?" he yelled at me. I couldt speak from the ordeal I went through. I crawled back over to him and held on to him, my arms wrapped around his neck holding on very tight, hoping he wouldn't push me off.

"Get off me you stupid bitch." he says anger in his voice pulling me off him.

"T-the pain I can't-take it please, l-l-let me.'' I say crawling over to him again. He looks at me with wide eyes. He then turned away heading to the door looking like he was about to leave.

"Wait!! please please make the pain stop." he stopped abruptly and stood still facing the door. I let out another sob out of the pain when he flashed over to me pinning me down on the bed with him on top of me again. I felt relief almost immediately, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. He feels stiff, not the normal relaxed posture he has. I held on to him like a life line and I feel he starts to relax. I still had the pins and needle feeling but the burning was gone, I just held on the longer I did the more I seemed to be okay.

"I don't know if I wanna make the pain stop. I kinda like this side of you." He said with an amused tone. I didn't say anything afraid to embarrass myself more. He then chuckled and then the pain was nothing. All I could think about was how beautiful his laugh was. He then put his head by my neck and licked my neck and then gave it one final kiss before he left and the pain was gone.

I fell back down on the bed. I was so tired. That pain was the worst pain I have ever felt. And I'll try my hardest to have to never experience that pain again.

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