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People are so hard to understand even though we ourselves are a human beings. You will never fully know what's inside another's mind, no psychologist or medical professional really knows what that person is thinking. Even someone as close to someone as a spouse, if that person does not want to let them know what's truly going on inside their head, they can lie to their face and the spouse will never figure it out.

Who the fuck are you to figure out what only God will know. Only someone who can read minds will know that, and unless were living in some kind a vampire world where everyone has a certain superpower like the fucking "Twilight" series... we will not know other people, ever. You will never know what goes on in someone's mind unless they tell you.

Get off your fucking high horse because you are nothing in comparison to the Lord so why are you acting like it?

I do not understand the need to point fingers at people who are actually struggling.
I do not understand the need to make someone feel so poor about themselves that they are driven to do things to mutilate their person.
I do not understand why you question the hardships someone seems to go through.
I do not understand why people cannot just love other people and bring other people up instead of tearing them down.
I don't understand why people cannot just live in harmony with each other and just love each other for who they are and not try to change them.
why do you have to take someone's soul and bend it into your own desires?
why can't they just live the way they want to?
you are ruining them in ways that they cannot even know, you are running them in ways that the Lord will not even describe to you when you die.

can you just think about yourself as on the same level as someone else?
for once in your fucked up life will you just think of yourself is not on some kind of pedestal like a king?
even if you are can you should treat other people like they are people too?
nobody needs to feed you grapes as you're lying on your back
everyone is equal or should be at least and although people that are feminist think that they can make that happen... think that they are promoting equality they are not.
their promoting women above men and men get raped as much if not more than women but women do not want to know this or realize or except this because they think that they only happens to them.

Men are just as mentally destructible as a woman
People like to think that women deserve more protection than men because men could hurt women easier than a woman can hurt a man maybe that's true physically but what about emotionally and mentally?
Think to yourself before you go to bed tonight, what did I do to help somebody else?
what did I do to ruin somebody else?
what did I do to bring someone closer to Heaven?
what did I do to bring someone closer to Satan?
and if you can answer those questions and actually be true to yourself for once in your life you may get farther then you will trying to ruin somebody if you know how you might have hurt somebody then don't do that the next day if you know how you help somebody continue to do that for that person every day wake up next to your wife or we could next your husband and ask them how you can help them not how they can help you maybe your relationship is in Destin for divorce maybe a relationship is destined for greater things but you just will never know it because you do not put as much effort in as you should maybe they don't either maybe they are emotionally abusive or maybe they will lie or cheat or scream or yell more than you do but you could put some effort in too
There are only a few things that people should get out of relationships for and that's cheating and abuse
if they're not cheating on you and they're not abusing you emotionally physically verbally anything
if it's just the simple things if it's just they want to travel and you don't do you want to live in a different state than them compromise relationships are all made up of compromising and you love them once why don't you love them now I think you do love them now I think if you look in their eyes and thought about who they were or why you fall in love with them or think about that on your wedding day why why did you marry that person then you would figure out that you love them the same you just grew and you just changed and you just forgot yourself in the process you forgot to bring them with you you forgot to continue to love them as you did once you forgot to grow with them instead you grow away from them
Another thing people are so focused on labels they want to just put everything into a box but what about the people who don't want people in the boxes what about the people that don't like labels what about the relationships that are open what about the relationships that are not husband and wife what about the people that are transgender the people that are bisexual or homosexual or asexual or whatever they want why do you have to label them as such why can't you just call them people why can't you just say they're in a loving relationship why do you have to say the relationship is homosexual why do you have to define your self as something why can't you just be a person why can't you just be attracted to what you were attracted to why do you have Broadcast your likings to other people

Why will people go to find a guilty person when it would be so much easier to just look for the guilty person may be right in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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