Chapter One

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Magnus stood at his bus stop, other kids shuffled around on the street corner. Magnus had his golden blonde hair tied back into a short ponytail, with his hands in the pockets of his grey hoodie. His grey eyes were just wandering around, over the kids who stood there.

A guy with black hair and blue eyes and glasses was reading. A girl in heels and a crop top chatted on her phone, no doubt with her BFF that she would see in ten minutes. A person with short blue and red hair was listening to music and advoiding eye contact. Two jocks were . . . Magnus shook his head . . . No they really were showing off their muscles. Good god . . . 

Magnus sighed and thought about how he could be at work right now, earning money for him and his friends. Yeah that's right, he was homeless. But still had to go to school because laws! Yay! Sarcasm people, this is sarcasm. 

The bus rolled up and stopped, the sound like an air horn being ran over shook Magnus from his blurry thoughts. He waited until everyone had shoved their way onto the bus before getting on. He sat in the very front seat because no one wanted to sit there. Why sit by the adult? When you have the back where all the cool kids sit! Ugh! Magnus couldn't believe some people. 

When they got to school Magnus scoped out the entrance. Usually this big blonde guy named Greg picked on this kid named Thomas, why?, Magnus didn't know. But every time Magnus always stopped it. One way or another. Looked like he was in the clear toda- nope. 

Right there in front of the fifth pillar Greg had Thomas by his jacket, hanging in the air. Thomas was this black kid with an obsession with the civil war, his great great granddad had died in it or something. Magnus made his way over and tapped on Greg's shoulder. 

Now, Magnus wasn't someone who got picked on. No, people deiced the best way to handle him was to completely ignore him. So he only suffered the occasional foot stuck out in his way, which he had become good at dodging. Magnus had gotten in a habit to make sure no one got bullied in his presence. 

"Greg." Magnus said as the big guy turned to face him. "What have we talked about?" Magnus smirked and shook his head as he spoke down like he was talking to a naughty child. Greg growled as he set down TJ to face Magnus full on. 

"Magnus." Greg reached out to catch Magnus by his jacket but Magnus had already turned and started running. He passed TJ who called out "Thanks!" as he passed. 


Alex could not care less as she slid down the banister of the stairs in the new orphanage she had just been moved to. Yep this is her fifth orphanage in the last ten years. But it's not like Alex cared, she knew that she would move again once this batch of nuns got annoyed with her. 

The girl had been in the system since she turned three, her mom had dropped her off at the first orphanage. She had been sat outside the door at night while she was sleeping. They had tried to find her mom but being three she couldn't very well tell them what she looked like or really anything about her. Her mom was in the wind, as they say. 

So she stayed in that orphanage until she was seven, then got shipped off, then shipped off again, then gotten rid of, then ditched, and so forth, until she was here. Each place a knew group of nuns who swore they could set her right.

Each one failed. 

Alex was still her pink and green self. She hopped off the banister and walked out the door, this was a very small orphanage and the rest of the kids were babies and such, so Alex didn't have any other teens. Which is all well and good, she was almost 18, then she could ditch this place and use that money she had been saving, and what had been left with her that day her mom left her. 

Her attire that day included a rose colored shirt that said 'I do what I want' in golden letters, rose colored high tops, and green flannel, and green skinny jeans. Her hair, naturally dark brown, had been dyed green. Alex felt proud of her look, she always had. It made her stand out, and she liked that. 

The orphanage was just down the street from the new school so Alex walked as she listened to music threw her iPod she had gotten from Goodwill.

When she showed up a guy in a grey hoodie just took off from this big blonde guy, the big blonde guy ran after him. Alex just rolled her eyes as she made her way to the office to get her things. 

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