Chapter 10: What Happened???

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Before we read let’s take a second to send a prayer out to those girls . . . .




My head

My throat

My body

I was in excruciating pain everywhere. My eyes fluttered open, but I closed them right back from to the burning pain. “Mmmm.” I started to moan in pain, but stopped from my sore and abused throat, scared that it might start to bleed from being so damn dry. Ugh. . . . what the fuck am I laying on, I thought as I felt something warm and hard under my entire body.  

I rolled over and landed on something more comfortable and soft. I whimpered out as I felt my body going through it. What happened? I couldn’t remember anything. The last thing I slightly recall was. . . . . getting my hair done then makeup by Christian anything after that was a total blank. The more I thought about it the more my head started to hurt. It was throbbing and achy I mean getting so bad to the fact I couldn’t even think right. I turned over and started to dry heave expecting to vomit which thankfully never came. What happened last night? Why am I so sore? Why is my scalp burning?

I’m done thinking about this shit I have to get up and get ready for work. I still have that Kim K fitting that I have to manage, but first I have to open my damn eyes. I slowly opened one eye after the over and gave them time to adjust after I was damn near blinded from the thankfully minimum sunlight. 

“What the fuck?” I said barely getting it out through my aching throat, but the pain from that out weighted what the fuck I was looking at. Nothing in the room I was lying in reminded me of anything in my home or anybody’s home that I know for that matter.

There was a gorgeous chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The bed was dosed in expensive material that draped from the sides of the walls to the middle where it fell to the four corners of the bed. The walls were wallpapered with cursive written inspiring words and candles lingered everywhere. I sat up slowly to try and find out what the hell was going on. I threw my legs over the heavenly bed and tried my best to ignore the pain between my legs as I made my way over to the  double doors that looked like it lead to a balcony of some sort, so I took my chances.

I gripped the handles of the door to reveal. . . . . . . . I gasped loudly in complete and utter shock. This couldn’t be, there’s no way, my mind was scattered everywhere from being so overwhelmed. I ran my shaky fingers threw my knotted hair in fear of what was happening. “This can’t be real” I whispered as tears silently ran down my face.

Then the thoughts started to run through my head. Was I kidnapped and being held for ransom, but that clearly couldn’t be the case, because where I was being held looked like it cost more then what I could potentially be being held for.

Could this all be some joke that someone put me up to, but I would have remembered it! This isn’t making any sense. Maybe it was. . . . my head started to hurt even worst as the memories started to come back. Christian dropped me off then, I saw August so I ordered a drink, and I started dancing with a guy.  

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