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Recap Stacey pov

Everybody was talking and eating until ....

I farted, 😂😂 I bet y'all thought something happened nope just gas.

"Really Stacey we're eating and you just gonna fart you couldn't just hold it bro" Jayla fussed before she rushed to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry I don't wanna die" I pled

Promise looked at me shook her head and got up to go check on jayla. Even James and vanni got up and went to the back.

"Damn I'm sorry guys it slipped " I yelled out to them but they wasn't having it.

I cleaned up everybody mess and went to take a shower, when I got out promise was already sound asleep.

I laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep.



I felt somebody shaking me, I realized it was the Jayla, James and vanni.

"What what what, I'm up" I sat up.

" somebody banging on the door" James said.

I look over at the clock and it read 3:56, who the hell knocking at my door at 3 in the morning. I told them to stay In the room with promise while I go answer the door.


"Hold the fuck up im coming, i don't know why the hell y'all at my damn door at 3 In the morning any fucking way waking up my kids." I yelled while looking for my bat.

I picked it up and walked to the door unsure if I wanted to open it. I took a deep breath before I hurried up and open it.

Looking around I didn't see any body, I looked down and it was a big black box. I looked at it for a few before picking it up because I didn't know what the fuck was in there it could be a bomb or anything but I take it and sat on the couch just staring at it.

By this time everybody was in the living room looking at me staring at the box.

"Well are you gonna open it" Vanni asked, I said a quick prayer before opening it slowly.

" oh god, kids go to your rooms, promise come here you got to see this." She walked over to me and I gesture to the box she looks into it and covered her mouth. On the side of the box was a note, I opened it and it read " watch your back you wouldn't want nothing happening to them precious little kids" with a smiley face at the bottom.

I told the kids to pack a bag for the next few days we going to stay with my aunt because I can't risk us staying here knowing somebody watching us.

On the way over there I stop and got us some food since my sister clam she hungry, that's what her ass get she should've ate dinner.

We made it to my aunt house safety, waiting on her to open the door. "Stacey what's wrong, why are you here at this time of night?" She let us in the house. "Well we have a big problem aunty, look read this" she took the note and shook her head in disbelief.

"Who do you think it is baby ?"
My aunt walked over to me. " do you have anybody that don't like you or y'all ?" She bombarded me questions. "I don't know TiTi it could be anybody." I put my head in my hands trying to figure out who could it be. "Don't stress it to much y'all get some sleep and we
will figure this out in the morning." My aunt took the kids to the room they were going to sleep in and she showed us to the guess room.

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