Part 11

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Zoro goes to your house and when he knocks the door the person that open it was your dad, they look at each other serious.

-What are you doing here so early in the morning?-You dad say-Is Saturday 

-I know but I'm going on a date with (y/n) but it a good thing you answer the door because I want to tell you some stuff

-Tell me, I'm curious about what a brat like you have to tell me-Suddenly Zoro grab him by his shirt 

-Listen If you make (y/n) cry or make her feel bad you will have a big problem with me so be careful of what you do or say to her because I don't care if you are her dad, I will punch you in that stupid face you have-He push your dad away-Beside I don't think she gets angry at me if I do that

-You think I'm afraid of you? And who do you think you are to come here and threaten me like that?

-I'm the boyfriend of your daughter-He see you walking and smile-Ready to go (y/n)? 

-Yes, dad move away-You say serious 

-You didn't ask permission to leave the house today

-I forgot, I try next time to remember so please move away-You two looks at each other serious

-Don't arrive late-He move away from the entrance

-I don't promise nothing-You start to walk with Zoro-First day and I'm already sick of my dad

-Forget about him, don't make him ruin our day today-He take your hand

-Okay-You smile-It will be only you an me 

You two keep walking, nothing going to ruin your first date with him. Now you where in jail with some of your classmate. You look at Zoro, he was in another cell in front of you with others classmates.

-Ho... how the hell this happen?-You say-We were eating and second later we are here

-We just went to the wrong place and didn't leave when they arrive-Zoro sigh

-Hey it not our fault-Sanji say

-But seriously how did even started?-Nami say

-Kid and Luffy started to fight and break stuff then the rest of us do the same-Killer say

-Is was his fault-Luffy say

-MY FAULT?-Kid look at him angry

-Why did all of you go there anyway-Zoro say

-Someone send a message to everyone to eat in a place-Sabo say

-You say it, to eat, not to destroy a restaurant-Koala say

-We didn't read our message-You say-I kne it was a bad idea to turn off our cell phone

-Of all the place to eat and all of you decide to go that place-Zoro sigh

-Wait then why you two were there if neither fo you read the message?-Ace ask

-Where you two on a date?-Bartolomeo ask

-Yes-Zoro say blushing a little

-It about time you two get together-Usopp say

-Can all of you shut up-Bonney say-My head hurt for her fault-She point at you-She hit me with a plate on the head

-I was trying to defend myself-You say

-Ley see what going to defend you now-She walk toward you but Koala stop her

-Let calm down and try not to make another fight-Koala say

-Sorry (y/n)-Zoro say-But look at the bright side, you won't be at your house early

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