Chapter 10: Date

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Normal P.O.V

You can't help who you fall in love with.

After Jasper said those words, your heart clenched in your chest. "Let me take you on a date." Jasper adjusted the tie around his neck, loosening it and slipping it off of his shoulders and holding it with both hands. It was one of those rare moments you saw Jasper Hale with a tie, him usually only wearing them on special occasions.

"What?" You asked suddenly, looking up towards the vampire.

Jasper's lips curved in a sort a smirk as he walked closer to you. "A date? You. Me. Right now."

"Right now?" You asked, your eyes wide.

"Yeah, right now." He confirmed, holding the tie up so it was eye level with you. In one swift movement, your sight was taken as the tie wrapped around your head, blocking any light from entering.

Jasper lifted you from the ground and moved his feet forward. At the usual superhuman speed your kind was gifted with, you were pulled farther and farther away from the Cullen's house, and presumably away from their territory.

Sometime within the journey, Jasper started slowing down. You also stopped complaining about the situation, knowing if you had any chance of getting out of it, you could have before you left Forks.

Eventually, Jasper stopped. You had taken a long breath when you were finally set down. Beneath your shoes you could feel and uneven, fragile ground. It was sand. Then it hit you, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach, and seagulls flying above your heads.

Jasper removed your blindfold, and when you looked at him, your breath hitched. While you and him were alone on this, what you assumed to be, private beach, the sun was high in the sky with only a mild amount of clouds blocking it from time to time.

So when your eyes finally lay on his face, and the diamond-like exterior reflected to your pupils, you were stunned. You had seen your own ceramic skin sparkle less than a handful amount of times, but finally seeing it on someone else, and someone so breathtaking, was like seeing something that only existed in dreams, something truly incredible.

"Try not to stare too much." Jasper smirked, grabbing your cold hand with his own and tugging you slightly. Your eyes glanced down, peering at your hand in his. When you looked back up, shade was covering the both of you.

Blocking the sun was an elegant white canopy accompanied with a white lace piece of fabric coated over the sand. There were four pillows on each side of a wooden table above six inches off the ground, the pillows being both off white and a dimmed pastel shade of blue.

In the center of the ashy brown table was a vase with two white roses in the center. Placed on each side were two wine glasses and two plates.

"But vampires don't eat...?" You hesitated to ask, and trailed off as Jasper rounded the table and grabbed a picnic basket. Lifted it and flipping the lid open, Jasper pulled out a red wine bottle, setting it on the table.

"Spoiler alert, it's not wine." As soon as Jasper popped the cork off, the strong scent of blood rushed through your senses.

Your lips curved up in a smile, sitting opposite of the male. He poured the liquid into your wine glass before pouring his own and setting the bottle back into the woven basket.

Your eyebrows furrowed when your glance moved from the wine glass in your hand to the ceramic plate in front of you. "But...?" You didn't say it, but your motions made it clear. Vampires don't eat human food, so what was the purpose of the plates?

"I know, I know." Jasper bent down and reached his hand into the basket. "Well," He started, lifting his torso and holding up a bundle of green grapes. "Grapes tend to be used in many romance stories..." His fingers plucked one of the grapes off the vine and tossed it in the air, catching it in his mouth.

Bloodsucker (Twilight X Reader) • [Sequel to Monster] *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now