Chapter 14

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Saturday and Sunday went exactly the same as Friday, we would go to my house, work on the project, play games or watch television, eat, and then he would go home. Honestly though; he's super nice and has never once been truly mean to me; so, it's kind of mind boggling that Jack told me he was such a horrible person. Monday soon rolled around and I meet Jack at the front door, "So, guess what," I asked.  "What?"

"Me and Tyler have to work as partners for are Gym class exam" Jack stood there with his wide mouth open and the look of fear written all over his face, "I hope to god he's not working at your house!"
"Well...We kinda are"
"Oh my god! You have to cancel or tell him you guys have to work at his place, that's a death sentence right there!"
"...Um... We he's kind of already been at my house..."
"All this weekend; we work together Friday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's"
"And you're not dead yet!" Jack exclaimed.
"No, he was actually really nice and polite the whole time he was over."
"Woah... You've gotta be shitting me right?"
"Nope; but he was acting a little weird the first day though."
"I'm not really sure; it was after I told him that the pizza guy kept talking to me and his name was...I think Felix?"
"You meet Felix? And he actually talked to you?"
"Uh... yeah? He also told me that he wanted us to talk more."
"Really? No wonder Tyler seemed weirded out"
"What do you mean?"
"Basically, Felix is kind of a huge man whore around here; I'm actually surprised you never heard of him, he's really popular."
"Well, why would Felix talking to me affect Tyler then?"
"Probably because; not only are Felix and Mark friend-amies, but, it kinda obvious that he wants to get into your pants..."
"Excuse me? But he's a guy and I'm a guy."
"That doesn't bother him at all. He's has sexual relationships with almost ever girl here, or has at least tried, and has sexual relationship with every gay, or curious man here."
"Holy shit... That's a lot of people"
"Yup, sadly me being one of them."
"Yeah, It was back in 8th grade; I was a heartbroken, scared, gay kid; so, he saw that and swept me away."
"You where heartbroken?" I questioned.
"Yup," he leaned in, "I was in love with Mark."
I gasped, "Your fucking lying."
"Tell me everything; right now."
He laughed, "Okay; so, back in 8th grade I had finally realized I was gay and in love with my best friend Mark; but, Mark had started dating Amy and I knew I had no chance of ever being with him, so, I gave up on him. That's when Felix started talking to me, made me feel special, was really comforting, and one thing led to another and soon we were making out behind the school, between the two buildings."
"...Did it go further than that..?"
"Thankfully, no. Not long after Mark showed up and saw us and flipped the fuck out, started cussing at me and what not. At first I thought he was jealous, but now I see it's because he hates me, and my sexuality."
"Jesus Christ...I had no Idea."
"No one does, so keep it on the down low."
"Okay, but do you really think Felix is going to try to sleep with me?" I asked.
"Honestly, it a big possibility."
Before we knew it the bell had rung, signaling for us to go to class.

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