OMG school is the worst thing to ever exist. It can go die in a bottom-less pit for all I care. FUCK.So, my teachers are cool. Well most of them. There's this one teacher and she PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF! So today I was reading Alexander Hamilton, like ya do, and HOLY SHIT. She came over tapped my shoulder and was all like. 'Bitch can ya read?' BUT OH MY GOD YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I READ 50 PAGES IN THE LAST 20 MINUTES! COME ON! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT! So I just turned around and glared at her (oh if looks could kill she would have been dead from my death stares a wile ago) as she walked away over to her desk. HOLY FUCK YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT SHE DID NEXT OMG. I was showing my friend Hope something and she MOVED HER ACROSS THE ROOM! I WAS ASKING HER A QUESTION GOD-DAMMIT! ALSO this teacher doesn't fucking let us say, SUCKS, CRAP, or SHUT UP! What else am I going to say when I want someone to shut up? OH AND BETTER YET! SHE MAKES UP GIVE HER THREE OTHER WAYS THAT WE COULD OF SAID IT! OMFG.
Ranting/ Rando
RandomJust thought that I needed something like this. Sometimes I just need to rant about something I can just go here instead of waiting to yell at someone about my bad day or something that I'm pissed about. Have fun...