Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning, in my bed even though I didn't remember getting there. I was still in the same, blood- stained tunic, so I decided to change. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Stheno, had fallen asleep on me. Gently, I ran my hands through her brown hair, that was so unlike my own.

"Honey," I whispered into her ear. "I need you to wake up." She stirred but didn't awake. As gently as possible, I lifted her off of me and got up.

I chose out a forest green tunic and brushed my hair with a comb made out of cow's bone. Checking that Stheno was asleep,  I made my way across the room to an case of water in the corner.

Gently, I put my hands into it, but  they stated dry. Being the daughter of an evil sea god, I could do that. When my hands came back out, I held a not- much smaller jar. Inside the jar, there was around one- hundred drachmas.

When we were old enough to have a home, my father gave it to us. The only thing he left out was the slave. He made us do all the work, we had to be "Strong Women" according to him. Over the years, I had been saving up for a slave, working very hard it and now I had enough.

We had been poor for years just so I could save up, of course my sisers didn't know about it, they just thought that I got payed little. Now, it was time to buy the slave.

Quietly, I wrapped a white shawl around me and exited the room. Before I left, I checked on Euryale, who was sleeping still. I opened the front door and shut it as quietly as possible. When it was shut, I ran.

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