"Three F's: Freaking, Fcking, Facts. About life."
Hi guys! So this is just some of the quotes that is just stuck in my head all night long. I will share it to you guys! :))
Always remember, expectations, doesn't ALWAYS leads to dissapointments.
A real person put down his pride.
I might say something that hurt you, but please do think that I have my conscience too.
A girl whose depression is it's girlfriend is totally missing out. Bounce back, Get up girl, you're wasting your beautiful assests no one can have.
Before you love someone, make sure to love yourself first. God is always there for you.
People have their own confidence. They're not always assuming.
Think before you speak.
Boys shrugs off the little things while girls don't. It's a fact, observe yourself before you say no.
Don't hate me, 'coz I'm beautiful. You don't know me that yet, you don't know what's truly inside me.
Before you judge, look at yourself in the mirror and say: "Am I perfect?"
Don't judge me by my face as you can't judge a book by it's cover.
Don't judge a girl because she's ugly. Judge her when she's perfect.
It doesn't matter what day is today, what matters is WHO YOU ARE right now.