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So when I woke up, I remembered that Kate had not been to this high school. So, I called the high school and registered Kate. I asked for her to have the same classes as me an Dixie so we could do her around. Then I got a shower and got dressed .Then around 7 am I woke the girls up.
Me: " Girls get up, it is time for school , sleepy heads".
Dixie and Kate: " Do we got to"
Me: " Yea, Kate I have registered for you to come to our high school and have the same classes as me and Dixie, NOW both of y'all get up and get ready we leave in 30.
They quickly got up and Dixie went to go shower and Kate went to go get food. Then Dixie got food and Kate went to shower. It was currently 7:30 , so we got in my Noble and drove to school. We got there at 8 so we could get Kate's schedule and show her around. Then I hear heels clicking and giggling, I turn around to see no other than Ashely and Taishia. They go around and think they are the popular people of the school. They have tried to beat me and Dixie before but we ran.
Ashley: " Look Taishia, we found the new girl with the losers , what should we do about it?"
Taishia: " I think we should teach them a lesson".
Dixie: " What how to open are legs for all the boys at school, because if you do you would be the best teacher at that wouldn't you?"
Me: " I wouldn't touch us or you will regret it"
Ashley: " Look they think they are tough, lets see how they do."
They start to throw punches at us, but we all dodge them, we are street racers now, you always have to keep a weapon or two on you for protection so I pulled out a knife from my pocket and handed it to Kate , then I pull out my gun, then so dose Dixie.
Ashley: " Why do you have guns and knives"
Me: " Just for people like you"
Then I point my gun at Ashley while Dixie points the gun at Taishia and Kate just stands there , me and Dixie pull the trigger, and the shot echoes around the school. You see their lifeless bodies fall to the ground. Then teachers and students come out of their classrooms and look at us and then the dead bodies. Then a teacher calls the cops. So, me, Dixie, and Kate run out of the school and hop in my noble and go to the house pick up everything and Dixie gets in her Audi , me and Kate get in my Noble and speed away. I call Dixie and ask her we're dose she think we should go and she says Fort Pierce, Florida. So, I guess we are in our way to Fort Pierce. We are all driving and then Kate says she needs to use the bathroom and we are all getting a little hungry, so we stop by a gas station. When we walk in Kate goes to the bathroom and me and Dixie head for the food. The music is playing in the store, but then stops and on comes the news.
News reporter: " 3 high school girls on the run , from shooting 2 other high school girls, if any knowledge of their whereabouts please contact the police".
Me and Dixie look at each other and we run to the other side of the store.
Me: " We need to change our looks and names".
Dixie: " let's worry about our looks right now, then the names".
Me: " I will go grab the hair dye and you go grab some food and water".
Dixie: " I will also go grab Kate".
I run to go get 2 boxes of black hair dye, then 2 boxes of red hair dye then 2 boxes of pink hair dye. We pay for our things and go outside the store.
Dixie: " what are we supposed to do".
Me: " let's fill up, find another gas station and dye our hair in the bathroom."
Kate: " what colors are the colors of are hair going to be".
Me: " My hair is going to be black, yours is going to be pink and Dixie's is going to be red".
Dixie: " Ok, let's head out and got to another gas station".
We head out and find another gas station, we dye our hair and then we go by phone chargers, so just in case our phone dies we can contact each other. We get out of the store and then it hits me, we're are we going to live.
Me: " I am going to go online and by is a house with the 20 grand we won from the races."
Dixie and Kate: " ok, we will think of names for us".
So, I buy the house and find out the directions to the house.
Dixie: " Emmajoy your name is now Lettie and my name is Ramsey then Kate's is Roman."
Me: "ok, I have found us a house , in the outskirts of Fort Pierce."
So we get in our cars and Dixie follows me to the house. When we get there it looks better than it did online. It is a 2 story building , that is brown and has a wrap around porch with porch swings. We walk inside and it is stunning. It has a high ceiling and has a chandelier.
Me: " There our four bedrooms, y'all can choose y'alls room, but I call the master bedroom."
Ramsey: " I call the bedroom with lots of windows".
Roman: " I call the bedroom with a built in bathroom."
Ok, we all go choose the bedrooms and we finally meet at the kitchen.
Ramsey: This house is huge!"
Roman: " The closets are enormous".
Me: " ok, so instead of going to school we will take online classes and finish high school like that. Then we have a street race tonight, that I set up tonight on are way here and the prize is 50 grand".
Ramsey: " What time is the race".
Me: " 11 pm"
So we all leave and head to go change for the street race since it is 9 pm right now.

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