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[finn wolfhard]

"hey finnie boi!" jack, jaeden and wyatt shouted as they burst through my door.

i rolled my eyes as they all jumped on me.

"get off of me," i groan.

after a few seconds of me screaming in pain, they get off and take their seats around my room.

"who's the girl that was outside?" wyatt asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"what girl?" i laugh.

we all move to the window and peer out to see a girl with blonde hair and she's with a tall man. they were unloading boxes from their car to my front porch.

"that girl!" jack screams out the window, making her look up.

we all duck down and i slap the back of jack's head.

"what's your problem?" jaeden whisper-screams.

"sorry, jheeze" he says, holding up his hands in defence.

"boys, come down!" my mom shouts from downstairs.

all four of us get up from the floor and rush down the stairs. as we get at the bottom of the stairs, we all see the same girl we saw outside with the same man and that's when i realise that this is my mom's new boyfriend and his daughter that my mom was telling me about the other day.

"boys, this is raelynn and her father" my mom introduces us to her. "raelynn, this is my son, finn, and his friends"

the girl tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear before holding her hand. one by one, we shake hands with the girl.

"finn, raelynn and her dad will be moving in" my mom casually says.

"uh, okay" i nodded.

"why don't you boys go help raelynn bring in her stuff?"

[raelynn adams]

the four boys nodded as finn's mother suggested helping me bring in our things. the journey here was very long and just a mess. it all consisted of us fighting and screaming at each other.

honestly, i just wish i was still back to where i belonged with the friends that actually understood me. here, i have no chance making friends that really get me.

"raelynn!" my dad waved his hand in my face, making me snap back into reality.

"oh, s-sorry" i stutter as i notice the boys looking at me weirdly.

holding my head down, i walk out the house and to the front porch . the boys follow after me and i quickly pick up a few boxes .

"so where are you from?" i hear one of the boys ask, making me lift up my head.

"ontario," i say, lowly.

"what did she say?" another boy whispers to them but not very well.

"i said i'm from ontario," i repeat myself a little louder.

they're all silent and i get up with the boxes, walking into the house. my dad and finn's mom are nowhere to be seen so i just stand there.

looking around the house i see family pictures of finn, his mother and some others which makes me sigh.

"jack, stop!" i hear finn scream.

seconds later, he bursts into the house and runs right into me , causing me to fall to the floor.

"o-oh my god! i'm so sorry, are you oka-" i cut him off and get up.

"i'm fine, don't worry about it" i mumble.

"are you sure? your knee is bleeding," he says, pointing to it.

i look down and it is in fact bleeding. i just look back up at him and nod. he has a look of guilt plastered onto his face.

"raelynn, what happened?" finn's mother gasps, coming into the room.

"nothing, i just fell" i chuckle a little.

"oh dear, i'll show you to your room" she smiles, wrapping one of her arms around me . "finn, go get the first aid kit for me"

finn nods and runs off as i'm guided to my new room.

[finn wolfhard]

"you made her fall over?" wyatt laughs.

"hey, it was basically jack's fault!" i defend myself.

they all look at me with raised eyebrows, making me roll my eyes.

"it's not my fault that you don't look at where you're going," jack shrugs, smirking.

"fuck you," i joke, heading back into the house.

"love you too, finnie boi!" jack shouts back and they walk down the sidewalk.

i go back into the house, closing the door behind me and grab the first aid kit from the kitchen. i walk upstairs to raelynn's new room, which is next to mine, and knock on the door.

"come in," she speaks from inside the room.

i let myself in and see her sitting on the edge of the bed. she gives me the slightest smile as i walk in and i return it.

"um, hey" i say. "are you feeling better?"

"yeah, it was only a little graze" raelynn laughs and i laugh with her.

"where'd my mom go?" i ask her, sitting down next to her.

i can see that she tenses up as i take a seat next to her but i brush it off.

"i'm not sure," she replied.

i nod and we both sit in silence for a few minutes until i clear my throat. opening the first aid kit, i pull out a band-aid and a small packet of alcohol wipes. i hand her them and she thanks me, quietly.

"anyways, i'm going to go and see where my mom is but if you need anything, my room is just the next door down" i smile, getting up.

she nods and smiles back at me but this time she displays her full set of teeth and waves as i walk out.

[author's note]
first chapter, boyzz. pretty shit but i promise it gets better, lmfao.

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