Love At First Drink

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Mark's POV:

Who IS this beautiful blue-eyed boy? Apparently, his name was Seán- according to what Mr. Ken had called him. I kept sneaking glances at him as he spoke with the owner of the inn. Eventually, our eyes met for a split second and I quickly turned away, blushing wildly- my hair was probably a fluorescent pink right then.

I decided to peel my eyes off of the gorgeous boy and stuck my gaze up to the ceiling. Oh Marky, why must you be such a fool.. He looks WAY outta your league! What are you doing?!

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Ken placing a glass of somekind of alcoholic beverage on the counter infront of me.

"I didn't order any-" I protested, but was cut off by another voice beside me.

"It's okay," it was the beautiful blue-eyed stranger! "I bought it for you." That comment took me aback. HE would by a drink... For ME?! This HAS to be a dream. "The name's Seán, what's yours?" He looked so confident on the outside, but in his eyes I could tell he was completely terrified.

"Mark," I said. "I-I appreciate you getting a drink for me. You really didn't have to do that." I felt my cheeks heat up profusely, my hair sticking out from under my hat and hanging into my eyes was pink again. I sure hope he didn't notice its odd color.

"Oh, I uh..." He looked away nervously scratching his neck. "Well..... Oh, I'm such an idiot.." He whispered that last part to himself. He turned to walk away, clearly upset about something.

I grabbed his hand, making him gasp. "No you're not," I told him. "What's the matter?" He looked into my eyes, my heart skipped a beat at this.

"I-I uh," he tried to look everywhere but at me. "I-It's n-nothing.." At last,  his baby blues met the floor. No, don't be sad! Please show me your smile again.

"No please," I spoke, softly rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. "You can trust me." He blushed sweetly and gave me a small smile.

"I-I," Seán studdered slightly, slipping his other hand in mine. "I thought you looked kind o' lonely and.." He sighed, slightly. "Y-You're very handsome– I was kinda hoping I could have you as my date to m- I mean the prince's ball?"

I gasped in surprise and joy.. He called me pretty AND wants me to be HIS DATE at Prince Jack's ball?! Aaaahh!! I was nearly bouncing with excitement,  but I refrained in case I'd make a scene of myself.

"I'd lo-" a loud shout of my name cut off my reply.

"MARK?!" Oh no, Joseph's gonna have my ass for this one! "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!"

"Who was that?" The beautiful Irish boy infront of me asked.

"My stepfather..." I sighed deeply. "I have to go!" I quickly dropped his hands and dashed away. "I'll see you at the Prince's ball!"

"MARK, IF YOU'RE NOT BY THE COACH IN THE NEXT 3 SECONDS, YOU WON'T GET ANY DINNER TONIGHT!!" Sir Joseph's voice boomed over the streets. I quickly look back toward Seán, a tear falls from my eye as he looks back. I turn away to avoid my sudden urge to turn around and throw myself into his arms.

Then a sudden realization hit me like a hard punch to the gut: Do I love him?

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