Chapter 10: Melinda & Coulson

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Thanks for reading this far! I'm so sorry for all the short chapters! This chapter will be a bit different. It will switch between Coulson and May's points of view. This chapter is dedicated to one of my good friends and a fellow Wattpad publisher.



Melinda was glad it was night. Her pursuers would have a harder time finding her. But of course they had to use scanners. She ran through the forest, remembering the way back to the road. She was hoping Phil had noticed that she was gone by now. They chased her, and she ran, dodging trees. Whenever someone got to close, she ducked down or leaned against a tree, to hide herself.

    May knew that she couldn't end up were these people wanted her. Whatever they wanted, she would not give them. Why had they targeted her? No time for worrying, just get away. She told herself.

    A pursuer gained on her, and she froze. The sky was a little lighter as morning came. She waited until she was sure that they were gone before taking a step forward. That was her big mistake. A gunshot and a shout echoed through the forest just as the first lights of dawn illuminated the sky.



   Phil looked up from the shattered phone in his hand. The wind whistled through the dry grass and the sound of a gun cock came from behind him. Without turning around, Coulson asked the person,"Were did you take my May?"

    "Looks like she's ours now." A deep voice answered.

    "You better return her, or you'll have all of S.H.I.E.L.D. on your trail." Coulson answered. For some reason, he suddenly felt very afraid. But the fear was of losing May. The fear was crushing him, making him regret so much.

    "I suggest you drop your weapon and come with us." The deep voice threatened.

    "Why? Because May already beat you up and drained you of firepower?" Phil taunted the man. Phil controlled the fear not allowing it to control him. He turned around to a deeply scarred face. A handprint was pressed into the man's face, who was flanked by two men in hoodies.



    May's thigh exploded in pain, where a bullet had lodged itself. The shooter approached Melinda, and pointed the Smith & Wesson at her. May put her hands up, and he took a step closer. She took him by surprise, and smashed her arm down on his gun hand. He pulled the trigger, and another shot tore through her leg, which gave. As May fell, she managed to give the man a smart punch in the cheek. He yelled, and May quickly wrestled the gun from his hand. Others came running, and surrounded her. But that didn't mean that she would stop fighting.



    Phil drove to the base a fast as he possibly could. He called his team together and commanded them to meet in his office.

    The team was assembled and they all looked tired. Daisy was the first to address him. "Where is May? Have you found out if everything is alright since last night?"

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