Break Time

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New Ninjago city  was quiet has a mouse since there wasn't any bad guys causing any trouble in the city. As for the infamous ninjas their all at Mansion taking it easy since it's their day off today. Zane's in the lab giving himself some upgrades. Cole and Jay are playing video games in Lloyd's room they claim that Lloyds TV is the biggest one in the entire Mansion even though Lloyd's TV is basicly the Same type of TV they have in the Living room a huge flat Screen so there's clearly no comparing the two. Kai was talking with Sensei Wu about god knows what. and lastly Lloyd was complaining about Cole and Jay being in his room just to play video games to Nya.  "I understand where you coming from Lloyd. Just yesterday Cole and Jay was watching a movie in my room claiming my TV as better sound quilty for action moives."  She said.  "But Nya isn't your TV the smallest one in this house ?" Lloyd asked. Nya just nodded. "Weridos." Lloyd mummbled. "who's weridos ?" Pixal asked walking into the living room and sat down next to Nya. "Cole and Jay they invaded Lloyd's room again to play video games." Nya said. Lloyd rolled his eyes. "They claim my TV is bigger and best for Playing  video games." he said.

Pixal had a confused look on her face. "I don't understand Lloyd isn't your TV basicly the same as this TV ?" she asked pointing to the Living room TV. "Trust Me Pixal there the same Cole and Jay are just Werdios." Nya said. "I wouldn't say weriodos their just not smart." Zane said joing in on the convo. "Zane you finished your upgardes awseome." Lloyd said. "I couldn't help but over hear you guys talk about Cole and Jay what did they do now ?" Zane asked. "Their raiding poor Lloyd's room again to play video games appartly to them Lloyd has the biggest TV in the house to play video games on." Nya explained. Zane laughed. "That can't be right there has to be another reason." he said. "And that Reason is ?" Lloyd said crossing his arm. "Your room smells nicer than other rooms so maybe they like playing video games in a fresh room and Lloyd you always keep room smelling fresh and clean." Zane explained. Lloyd eye brows started to twitch a little. "Zane that's the weridest answer ever." 

A couple minutes passed by and now Kai was in the living room getting invloved in Cole and Jay invading Lloyd's room conversantion. Lloyd sighed. "Can we talk about something else now if hear Cole or Jay's name again i'm going to lose it !" Lloyd practly screamed. Kai took Lloyd by the hand and headed outside. "You look like you need some fresh air Lloyd come on." He said. Nya had a puzzled look on her face. "What just happened ?" she aked with confusion on her face. "Kai grabbed Lloyd by the hands and took him outside. That's pretty much what happened." Pixal said with straight face. Nya couldn't help but giggle. "Kai totally has a thing for Lloyd." she said. Zane raised a brow at that. "Are you sure Nya ?" He asked. Nya nodded her head. "Oh yea you bet." 


Kai and Lloyd are outside standing around doing nothing well Lloyd is actually sitting down on a random rock lost in thought while Kai is just standing around doing nothing when it was clearly his idea to bring Lloyd outside. 'Did i really just bring Lloyd out here and started to just stand around like a stastue ? Smart thinking Kai.' Kai yelled at himself mentally. Lloyd was a bit crious of why would Kai want to take Lloyd outside for some fresh air all of a sudden. "Kai why did you suddenly bring me out here ?" Lloyed asked with confusion in his eyes. Kai shyly rubbed the back of his neck. "Well you looked really stressted out in there so I thought some fresh will do you some good and help calm you down a bit." Lloyd just shrugged his arms and looked up at the sky watching the clouds go by. 

this is the end of the frist chapter so I did i do for my frist greenflame story no negative comments plz like I said this is my frist greenflame story I made P.S. srry if the chapter is short :p

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