Kai's Procetive Side Comes Out

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For the first time in years Jay and Cole where actually playing Video games in the living room. Kai was in the bathroom fixing up his hair since he clams it was a hot mess. Lloyd was out in the backyard with Nya,Pixal and Zane talking. "Hey guys I just the greatest Idea ever !" Lloyd shouted excitedly. "You do ? Please share this idea Lloyd." Nya said. Zane then held out his hand singnaling Lloyd to stop what ever he was doing. "Wait Lloyd this Idea of yours is it safe ? Will the others agree with it ? and is it anything bad ?" Zane threw practically a thousand questions at poor Llloyd.

Nya shook her head. "Zane Lloyd was choosen as the green ninja for reason don't question his ideas. I swear your werser then Kai when it comes to question Lloyd for his ideas or anything in genral." She said. Pixal just nodded in agreement. "Anyways my idea was that we should have sleep over at Skales Jr's house." Lloyd said. Nya started to jump and down with excitment in her eyes. "Lloyd your a genus having a Sleep over with Skales Jr is a great way to make peace with Serpentine."She explained. Zane using his coumpter intelligence was caculating the situation. "According to my analysis there's 50/50 chance this sleep over actually succeed and has a 90% chance of failing." He said with a straight face. Lloyd shoot and hard glare at Zane. "Jezz way to ruin things before it happends. During this sleep over no more analyzing things that's an order under stand !" The fusrated blond screamed. Zane nodded his head in fear. Believe it or not but Lloyd can be super scary if you get him mad enough or get on his bad side period.

~Time Skip everyone but the girls are in the living room ~

"YOU WANT TO DO WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!" Jay screamed with alot panic in his  voice. Lloyd rolled his eyes."I said we're having a sleep over at Skales Jr place. Problem ?" He said with his arm crossed and giving Jay a serious look. Jay grabbed Lloyd by his shirt collar and shook him rapidly. "Yes Lloyd this is a huge Problem if you forgot let me refresh your memory the Serpentine hates us. So sleeping over at Skales Jr house is out of the question. If you want to sleep over at friends house so badly go over to that Brad kid place he's a nice boy or get some Travlers tea and vist Morro in the other realm have a sleep over with him !" Jay shouted. Cole and Zane were covering their ears trying to block out Jay's loud shouting. Kai on the other hand was pissed off and is about to lose his cool why are ask. Well for one he has a crush on Lloyd and would do anything to keep him safe. the second reason well it's pretty obivous Jay grabbed the poor Lloyd and shook him like crazy.

Kai completely losing his cool couldn't take it anymore. Letting his Anger blind him Kai activated his fire element and shot a fire ball at Jay. Jay quickly let of Lloyd and tried to put out his flaming clothes. both Cole and Zane was laughing at this. "Woah guys careful how your handlig Lloyd Kai's jelousy and Protective side is showing." Cole snickered. Lloyd's face turned red as a cherry when he heard that. Cole took notice and smirked. "Zane my friend what we are witnessing is young love between two friends. Isn't it just wonderful ?" Zane gave Cole a confused look. "Umm I don't really get it it's not in my programing at all or in my anaysis." Cole facepalmed at this and shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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