Enchanter of Love

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*NOTE: I originally wrote this piece as a Secret Santa gift. This is my first fanfic for DA, it was so much fun! Dorian is a very witty and charming character, and I tried to embody that in this (even though I am far from witty haha). I apologize if anyone seems out of character in any way, but also please note that the situation between Dorian and Zach (the OC) is rather tense with a lot of emotion, so because of that some of the story takes on a more serious note. I've thought about expanding this from a one-shot into a longer story if it takes off. I also included at the bottom a list of music I listened to whilst writing, if anyone is interested. It definitely helps make the story more dramatic haha. Zach is the character on the left of the picture and is my OC, I love him dearly. Anyway without further ado, enjoy! :)

 Anyway without further ado, enjoy! :)

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Zach stared at his reflection inside the blade in his right hand. He scrutinized the sight of himself, different thoughts and emotions passing through him in an angry flood. His grip tightened on the handle, fingers squeezing tighter and tighter as if he were holding onto his sanity. It all threatened to overpower him with one final wave of hatred; loathing towards his family, his circumstances, his life, everything around him, but most of all himself. For a moment he thought about digging the dagger into his own heart.

And then he felt nothing.

Zach took a deep breath, forcing his gaze away from his reflected face, and willed a sense of calm to overtake him as he swallowed down the flurry of emotions, letting them fade away to a dark place. What had gotten into him? He had an entire organization to lead and command. So many people were relying on him... of all the applicants, which included many much more qualified individuals than Zach he was sure, he was chosen. It was both honoring and daunting.

He was letting his past get to him. The old feelings and memories were on the brink of bringing him back to a death bed when all he ever wanted to do was put that life behind him. His father's face burned into his mind, stern as his disappointed eyes bore deep into Zach's soul. The disgust was written all over his father's face from what he saw before him. Zach remembered staring at the ground, refusing to look back up into those hateful eyes to avoid the truth of how much it made him hurt inside.

Shaking the memory away, he looked up at the brightly lit Inquisitor Quarters as he came back to reality, the morning sun streaming through the stained glass windows making him wince. He had just finished donning on his armor for another long day of traveling. The others were expecting him, they were to scout the nearby countryside venturing into Emprise Du Lion and clear out some troublemaking Red Templars that were raiding the villages there. Zach wasn't particularly fond of the cold, it was just bloody uncomfortable and made his limbs stiff in his armor, which was ironic considering his new fortress stood on a mountain of ice and snow.

After securing his gauntlets onto his hands and hoisting his two-handed sword onto his back inside its sheath, Zach left his quarters and ventured out to find his companions. He was immediately met by Varric admiring the great hall.

Enchanter of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now