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Prologue: An Old Enemy

A/N: This is terrible and is just an idea I wanted to try out (and write before I forgot). Sorry that it has zero plot.

Naruto walked behind Konoha 12 and senseis on a path in the forest, deep in thought. Of course, his outward appearance did not appear so, as he was under a mask. He and his internal 'prisoner' were the only two to know. His Jiji - the Third Hokage - had also known, but he had passed a month ago. The village had just been rebuilt with their help, and Konoha 12 had taken a vacation trip to relax. Naruto was discreetly performing a chakra scan, when he felt a familiar chakra.

'Crap,' was his only thought as he felt the chakra move towards them. A disturbance in the air was heard, similar to a whistle. Screw the mask, these people were important to him and he wasn't about let them to be hurt. All emotion drained from his face as his mask dropped and he quickly moved before any of the jounin or genin could register what was to happen. He jumped ahead and right, landing in front of Ino and deflected the shuriken. Konoha 12 stopped at his sudden actions and projectile.

"Well, hello Kyo," Naruto spoke, authority held in his voice as a figure came out of the trees. He had short black hair, brown eyes, a pale complexion, and seemed to be near their age. He wore what could be called a 'muscle shirt', baggy pants, and the usual ninja sandals, a weapons pouch present on his left hip.

"Greetings, Naruto-sensei," The now-identified-Kyo mockingly acknowledged, as he got into a stance similar to Naruto's. Naruto's own stance shifted as he reached towards his pouch. In a split second, Naruto had pulled out four kunai between his fingers, and it acted as a trigger for both to start fighting. He threw his kunai and pulled out senbon. Kyo pulled out more shuriken and blocked. The two shinobi jumped up in the trees and through the air. Senbon were thrown and all but one were deflected, the one scratching Kyo's face. Shuriken were thrown and Naruto dodged them all. Kyo threw several kunai towards, not Naruto, but rather Konoha 12, namely Sasuke and Lee. Konoha 12 and their senseis had stood still in shock as they watched this new Naruto and 'Kyo' person, and continued to do so as Naruto dropped down to defend the genin. He deflected most kunai, and used himself as a shield so select few wouldn't hit Lee.

The jounin seemed to snap out of their shock, and Kakashi was the first to draw a weapon, and step forward. Before a second step could be taken, Naruto held his hand out.

"Stay out of it," Naruto ordered, the authority of a kage present in his voice, "This is my fight." Kakahsi confusedly stepped back, but kept his guard up as he wondered what happened to Naruto, and the others present wondered the same thing. The clashing of metal rang throughout the area, the fight still continuing. Quickly, Naruto pulled up his shirt sleeve, revealing a seal - or, would have if he wasn't so freaking fast. He pulled a katana out of it and resumed fighting, getting closer to his opponent.

This was the moment Kakahsi used his sharingan to observe the fight, reciting what he saw to the others in the group. The genin had finally gotten out of their shock, and intensely listened to Kakashi as they could only see two blurs and hear metal clashing against each other.

"After all this time and you're still better than I am, Sensei!" Kyo yelled over the noise. Naruto stayed silent, but a smirk spread across his face as if to say, 'Of course I am.'  With one last strike of his katana, Naruto pushed Kyo away, whom retreated, though Naruto knew he'd return soon.

Naruto dropped back to Konoha 12 and they looked at him.

"What the hell was that about?" Kurenai demanded.

Naruto all-too-easily slipped on a foxy grin and replied with a simple, "Just a simple quarrel between sensei and student. I'm sure you four know all about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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