the quick; the humble【 L E A D E R 】
Light gray tomcat; thin and bulky; broad head and shoulders; white paws and chest; hazel eyes【 D E P U T Y 】
Black she-cat with gray flecks; short and lean; small build with strong leg muscles; light gray ears and tail; marine green eyes【 M E D I C I N E C A T 】
pale gray she-cat with dapples splattered over her coat; dainty and stocky; a wiry tail and thin, long ears; white dash on chest; deep emerald eyes【 W A R R I O R S 】
thick-furred dark ginger tomcat; pudgy and stocky; a bushy tail; gray paws and muzzle; cold blue eyes
Apprentice, BramblepawAloefern
black she-cat; wiry and lanky; soft, gentle thin fur yet a coated neck; white rings around her eyes; thyme green eyesTinypoppy
small white she-cat with patches of ginger; petite and undersized; thin muscles; black eartips; holly green eyes
Apprentice, IcepawReedbreeze
dark chocolate tabby tom; muscular and slender; broad face with a torn ear and a deep, thin scar running down his haunches; coffee brown patches underneath tabby stripes; marigold eyesPoppysun
nutmeg brown she-cat with black and coffee brown speckles; dainty and slender; shredded ears, making her deaf; stubbed tail with a gingery patch of fur; yellow eyesHoneyburr
white she-cat with ginger patches; large and lean; a narrow head and muzzle with short whiskers with one particularly thick one; hazel eyesCherrysplash
pale gray tortoiseshell she-cat; lithe and stocky; thick whiskers; white paws, chest, tail, ears, and belly; dark blue eyes
Apprentice, QuailpawMistybrook
gray-and-white tom; small and lithe; a large scar splitting through his cheek down to his chest; dark gray speck just above left eye; blue left eye and yellow right eye
Apprentice, BrindlepawFreckleflurry
honey brown she-cat with a flurry of white speckles scattered over her coat; slender and lean; snubbed nose; white chest and underbelly; cyber yellow eyesSunmask
ginger siamese tom; lanky and thin; long, thin tail; marigold eyes【 A P P R E N T I C E S 】
tortoiseshell she-cat with faint ginger stripes; wiry and stocky; long whiskers and a thin scar right above eyelid; white chest and front paws; seafoam green eyesQuailpaw
thin-furred gray tom with nutmeg brown legs and paws; small and lean; small nutmeg brown tuft of fur atop of his head; hazel eyesBramblepaw
light brown tabby tom with darker brown paws; bulky and big (for an apprentice); white belly; dark hazel eyesIcepaw
gray tabby she-cat with light brown specks of fur; dainty and lean; unusual sharp fangs and claws; white paws and chest; dark hazel eyes【 Q U E E N S 】
black she-cat with gray flecks; short and lean; small build with strong leg muscles; light gray ears and tail; marine green eyes; mother of Podkit, Ashenkit, Foxkit, and FlurrykitMeadowlily
light gray tabby she-cat; petite and lithe; lack of claws; white heart-shaped spot on chest; holly green eyes; permanent queen【 E L D E R S 】
dark gray tom with ginger spots; wiry and stocky; partially blind in left eye; white paws and white chest; cold blue eyes
ashenblossom's crumble ❧ warriors fic
Mystery / Thrillercover by the amazing @monqrchfli <3 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ Ashenblossom was born to the deputy of FleetClan and the most handsome cat out of the three Clans. She expected her life would be like a fairy tale-- one or two dilemmas, but then a prince to equal her...