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I woke up very early this morning its like 5 or 6 . Very early indeed.

That remedy helped a lot to me thanks to that yoongi im not disable now! i can be productive again! (WENDY'S DICTIONARY productive = watch cartoons, watch kdramas, eat a lot, eat a little and scream)

I saw Yoongi eating on the couch while watching avenger. I smiled like a pabo and run infront of him.

"GOODMORNING!" I greet him with all my energy.

"Wendy did u forgot that one of my rule here is no running in the house, and shouting?" he's still yoongi. pft. I frowned and sit across him.

"Goodmorning" oh i thought he won't greet back.

After a while I got really really bored on this movie like why the fuck this Very large green thing's short doesn't split whenever he's transforming.

"Its true" i said

"whats true?" he ask not even throwing a glance on me.

"Movies that you watch can define who you are." I answer with my super duper ultra bored voice.

"So am I a superhero?"


"Am i strong?"

"Ew no."

"Then what the fuck am i"

"You're boring" i spill. He look at me with his most annoying look. I really luv it when he's annoyed bc of me kyahahaha

"Can you just hand me the remote? i'll give you the most exciting movie ever." i added

"You mean cartoons? haha. never over my dead, gorgeous, handsome body" wOahHh tHerEeEeE

"yUckkkk" i said and grab the remote control on his hand

"damn u give it to me!!!" he yell and try to get back the remote from me.

too bad I run


"u really a piece of shit Wendy!!!"


I stick my tongue teasing him hehe


"OUCHHHHHHHHHH" great :) i just trip in one of the chairs :) now im on the floor holding my right foot







he pin me on the wall behind us looking straight in the window of my soul

"okay i'll give you this remote, let go off me you bitch--"

g0sh he's leaning closer i feel like my menstrual blood is niagaring again!!!

omg don't ever do sksjsja you don't know what i can do min yoongi!!!! my heart don't skip one beat holy grail----

"Wtf are you doing?!?!?!" I ask facing his stares

"what now, baby girl?" he said with his low low low low voice (CAN U FCKING IMAGINE THIS?!)

he lean closer that i can't see him properly.

"don't make me spit on your face yoongi!!!!" I dont want to be gross but this man is grosser.

He grin and makes me lose my grip on the remote

"got it" he said and wave the remote infront of me. walking away

that's a crime! that's hit and run!!!!

"MIN FUCKING YOONGI!!!! YOU HARASS MEEEEEEEE!" i shout in frustration my foot still hurts!

"I hate you so muchhhhhhh!" I said

and there he is smiling like an idiotic winner grrrr this is not the last yoongi!!!

"I love you more, baby girl" WHAT THE FU--

"Oh looks like my babies are in good terms now." wAIT WHAT?!?!

Now im full pack fuck up

"MOM?!" we yell in chorus

"Surpriseeeee!" im really surprise.

"Mom i thought you'll go home next week" i said and bow infront of her.

"Well your dad allowed me to come back earlier that next week." she said and kiss my forehead.

"How are you guys doing? I miss you both so muchhhh!" this mom is exaggerated like she was gone for just 3 weeks or 2 "And you two look good together!" mom added---

"What mom??????" what was that look good together, sounds chilling

"I mean looks like in good terms, you know I heard Yoongi's "i love you" to you" mom then wiggle her brows

Gosh I think mom is lowkey shipping us no freaking way!!!

"You suprised me mom" Yoongi said and kiss her mom's forehead.


"Anyway, I brought groceries for both of you but you should chop it fair cuz I will let Wendy live in the apartment next to you, Yoongi."

"WHAT?!?!" Foul react of Yoongi.

We stare at him for a minute til he realize what he did.

"Why are you reacting brother? I thought you dont want me here." I said smirking.

"What if she burn the house?" he ask mom



"Stop that. Yes Yoongi, i've been thinking about that since last week, since you really don't want anyone inside your apartment" mom said smiling

"Aish whatever" my eyes followed his presence til infront of his door and slam it.

"Your brother is really weird haha. I think she don't want you to leave him, but i insist to move you out" she is now preparing foods

"You know what sweetheart? my son really can't resist it when someone is here so he will be mean to them and make them shoo away. Like you're not the first girl i adopted but you manage to stay here for that long??" she said amazed

"Mom, its just 3 weeks"

"Yoongi can't stand it even in a week" sh00kt "You must be special to him honey, mostly he won't talk to anyone or even glance but you two look close"

Actually I dont know if we're close now. We argue everyday and we don't know everything about each other except basic infos. I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS BIRTHDAY.

"We're not that close mom, we always argue" i said. Mom stop stirring eggs and look at me.

"That was odd. He's not the type of a guy who will waste saliva to talk nonsense, he's quiet and not to mention my son was anti-social" anti social?!?!? i did not know that....

"He only talk to his workmates" she added

"He only talk and trashtalks to his workmates." i corrected.

"But you know Wendy, my dear, if my son will like you as a lady, it won't be issue to me..."

"Instead, I will support you. You will be a cute couple together."

im doom :)

im freaking doom :)

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