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After One Month
Arora Mansion
Harshad's Room

Harshad and Preetika both were lying on sofa and were in each other arms

Harshad-preetika l want babies

And kisses her cheeks

Preetika blushes and pats his cheeks lovingly

Preetika-one baby l already have

Harshad-who is your baby ?

Preetika gets more closer to harshad and says my handsome, my hunk, my hottie And my janu is my baby and traces her fingers on his face

Harshad smirks and says ohh

Preetika blushes, all of sudden she starts feeling dizzy and feels like vomiting

Preetika gets away from harshad and runs towards washroom, after sometime she comes out and falls in harshad's arms

Harshad-are you okay princess?

Preetika-yes, harshad l am pregnant

Harshad smiles and picks her up in his arms and twirls her around

Preetika-harshad put me down

Harshad puts her down and hugs her tightly and says l love you and thank you so much

Preetika-l love you too

And harshad kisses her hairs
Soon 9 months passed away,Harshad use to take care of preetika, each and every minute he use to spend with her, he use to take her on long drives and use to fulfill all her demands whether it was in night or morning, he was always there for her


Preetika was crying in pain, Harshad was beside her holding her hand, With lots of crying and pain, they heard a crying, crying of a baby

Doctor takes the baby in her hand and gives the baby to harshad with a smile, Harshad smiles while taking the baby in his hand

Doctor-congrats it's a baby girl

Harshad smiles and says thank you doctor

Doctor smiles back

Harshad-doctor is preetika fine?

Doctor-yeah, l have given her a injection so she is sleeping, after 10 minutes she will wake up
Doctor leaves the room,10 minutes passes away and preetika opens her eyes and finds harshad holding a baby in his hand will a big smile

Harshad sits beside preetika and puts the baby in her lap,and kisses her cheeks

Harshad-preetika it's a baby girl


And she smiles and kisses the baby and hugs it

Harshad kisses preetika on lips and says l love you preetika, thank you for coming in my life

Preetika-harshad thanks to you, l am so happy to have you in my life, you filled my life with love and happiness

Preetika smiles and says harshad your name means happiness and my name means love and our baby is symbol of our love so we will name her has harshika

Harshad-Wow harshika

Harshad kisses preetika on her cheeks

After 2 years
Arora Mansion
Harshad's Room

Harshad and Preetika both were wearing this

Harshad and Preetika both were wearing this

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Harshad was getting ready for his office

Harshad and preetika left the acting profession, as preetika got busy with harshika, and harshad focused more on his business,though he is a billioner and acting was his passion, but then too he left doing movies as he wanted to focus on business, which is father
established,Harshad told preetika to do movies and fulfill her dreams, but her reply to him was her dream is to live with him forever and now she only wanted to focus on her family and baby

Preetika enters inside the room by holding a tray

Preetika-harshad are you ready for office?

Harshad sees her and loses his breath and grabs her in his arms
And nuzzles his face in her neck

Preetika-harshad you are getting late for office

Harshad-l know

And starts kissing her neck and shoulder and kisses her cheeks and eyes and kisses her lips,both of them very lost in each other, just when they hear a voice, mamma

Preetika pushes harshad away from her, Harshika enters inside the room, she was 2.5 years old,but even after 3 years of marriage harshad romance was still the same, Harshad and Preetika still use to look like newly Wed couple, There age was also small, Harshad was of 27 and Preetika was of 26

Harshika-mamaa why are you blushing ?

Preetika blushes more and looks away, Harshad was smirking

Harshad picks Harshika in his arms and says beta, your mamaa is blushing because your papa  was talking to her


Preetika blushes more and glares at harshad, Harshad smirks at her

Harshad-Princess have you decided any play school for harshika,after 6 months we need to admit her in a good play school

Preetika smiles and says yes, l have decided one school for harshika

Harshad-wow, tell me the name?

Preetika-Ryan International School

Harshad hears the name and smiles and says that's my school

Preetika-yeah l know janu

And smiles and realizes that harshika is in front of her and feels shy after realizing that what she called harshad right now

Preetika-actually harshad it's your school and second thing they have play group too, so l think it the best school for harshika

Harshad-but preetika l am thinking to admit her in Sophia school

Preetika-and that's my school

And smiles

Preetika-but Harshika will study in Ryan International School only, and that's final

Harshad-okay as you say Malika-e-Harshad

Preetika blushes

Harshika-mamma l am hungry

Preetika-aww my baby l forgot that it is your fruits time, come we will have fruits

Preetika takes harshika in her arms

Preetika-bye harshad, it's your office time

And points at the clock

Harshad looks at clock and says yeah, bye

Harshad pats Harshika's face and gives a flying kiss to preetika and runs towards his car and preetika blushes and takes harshika down and makes her eat the fruits

Harshad's Room

Preetika was sitting on sofa by hugging her teddy and was waiting for harshad

Preetika-when will harshad come,l want to tell him something very important

Harshad comes inside the room and keeps his bag on sofa, Preetika smiles and says harshad you are back finally


And smiles at her

Preetika-harshad l want to tell you something very important

Harshad-yes tell

Preetika-harshad l am pregnant

Harshad smiles after hearing this and hugs her tightly

Harshad-thank you preetika

Preetika smiles and hugs him more tightly

Harshad comes out from hug and picks preetika in his arms in bridal style and places her on bed and sits beside her and both of them falls on bed, Harshad kisses Preetika on cheeks and eyes and forehead and starts giving butterfly kisses on her neck and shoulder and finally their lips meet with each other and in sky even moon hide himself in clouds due to shyness

And they lived happily ever after

Thoda sa pyaar hua hai-Harshika FFWhere stories live. Discover now