Puppies {AU}

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I converted this one from my good friend @kaylor_always . This is just for a little taste as I'm waiting for prompts. ENJOY.


You look over to the other side of the park and she is still sitting there

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You look over to the other side of the park and she is still sitting there. 

Today she is wearing a sundress, which looks really nice on her since you've never seen her in a dress. Other than that, it is the same image you see almost every Friday afternoon. Though she has a different book in her hands today.


You snap out of your trance and look down at your dog, Scabbers. There is another Jack Russel terrier sitting next to him that you've seen there before, but have no idea of whose it is.

"Hey my little Scabbers, who is your friend?"

He barks as a reply and you chuckle. You bend down to look at the other dog's collar and look at it's name.


You laugh as you see the name and wonder why in the living hell someone would name their dog 'Crookshanks'. Probably a little girl. You scratch the dog's head and take the ball Scabbers left on the ground before you met his new little friend.

"Okay, Crookshanks. Let's see who gets the ball first."

You throw the ball high in the air and soon the two dogs run after it. It lands between a few bushes, and you figure they will be taking a while to look for it.

When you turn your head back up, you look over to the girl and see her already looking at you. She blushes, smiles at you and looks down. She tucks a strand of her wild hair behind her ear and picks her book back up again.

Hm. Wonder why she was looking at me.

It feels like this is your chance to finally go talk to her. You gather some courage and walk across the green grass of the park and stop a few feet away from her. Never have you felt so scared to talk to a girl. You're usually okay with the ladies.

What the hell are you doing? What are you gonna say? What if she thinks you're a weirdo? This was a BAD idea. What if-

Shut up, conscious. It is time to YOLO this shit.

You take a deep breath and a few steps forward. She's still looking down at her book, and you can see her lips mouthing the words she's reading.

Honestly Y/N? This is the worst idea you've had in a while and-


Wait. Who said that? Was that an angel? God? Are you there?

You come back to your senses and see that the pretty girl is looking expectantly up to you.

Not an angel. Just the girl in front that greeted you and OH-

"Uhm, hi."


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