Chapter 1

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He walked on the field filled with dandelions seed heads. He couldn't take his eyes of the beauty of the 

field. And as the sun began to set, he realised he couldn't be anywhere else than being here to watch the wind slowly sway the dandelions while the sky was producing a vibrant orange colour.

He slowly bent down to pick a single full seed head. Watching it closely he couldn't help but admire the white soft seed head of the dandelion. He slowly blew the dandelion. As it's soft seed went along with the wind, he let out a soft wistful sigh.

He closed his eyes to savour the moment of peace. As he began opening his eyes he was left breathless at the scene in front of him. When his eyes were fully open, he saw a figure a few feet ahead of him. He was confused as to when this person came here.

" Hello. " he called out , but to his dismay the person didn't reply to him nor did they turn around. "Maybe the person didn't hear me" With that thought in mind he started to walk towards the person. As he began nearing the person, he acknowledged that the person was a girl.

How he didn't notice it before he didn't know. As he walked towards the girl, he noticed that she had long brunette hair that almost reached the low of her back. She had a slender figure and her height maybe near 5 ft 4. She was wearing a white dress that reached her knee.

He was just 6 steps behind her. " Hello. I didn't quite see you there." he said just loud enough for her to hear him.

Again the only sound heard was the slow wind swaying around them.

Confused as to why she wasn't replying him, he finally reached behind her. So instead of saying anything else. He just tapped her shoulder to let her know that he was also there.

" Beautiful , isn't it ? " Shocked that the girl spoke, he quickly answered the question asked. " Indeed. " With that said they just stood there admiring the beauty of the field.

" So how long have you been here? I didn't see you here before. "

" As long as I can remember. " With that the girl started walking forward without facing him. He stood there confused for a while before he started walking after her.

" Wait! Where are you going? "

Without looking backwards at him, she just kept walking.

Confused he kept walking trying to catch up to her.

" Pardon me, but can I at least know your name ? " The girl just kept on walking as if he wasn't there.

" You ask too much questions, Dan. "

Shocked he just stood still trying to figure out how she knew his name. For as long as he can

remember he hasn't said anything regarding his name.

The girl was still walking when he stood still shocked. Recovering from his shock, he saw that the girl was almost at the end of the field reaching the forest.


He tried to reach after her but the long he ran after her the more far she kept going. He didn't even see her face, he only knew how her voice was.

Suddenly he realised that the sun had set and darkness was settling in and the wind around him was picking up, it was getting real windy and all the dandelion seed head were being blown everywhere. But he kept trying to run after the girl who was already entering the forest.

He stopped realising that the girl was gone and he wasn't making any progress. As he began looking around his surroundings, he was shocked to see that what once was a beautiful field was being destroyed by the wind. As he began looking around trying to think how he would get out of the field. He saw the same girl a few steps ahead of him. To say he was shocked was an understatement, he was feeling utterly creeped out now.

Thinking that he was seeing things he began rubbing his eyes trying to clear his vision. But to his dismay, the girl was still in front of him. Now he was utterly confused and creeped out.

His mind was screaming at him that the girl was danger but his gut told him otherwise. Confused as what to do next he went with his gut and went after the girl. This time he didn't call her name, he just carried on walking. Quite quickly he was a step away from her.

His mind was still screaming at him to run as far away as possible but his body was in autopilot as his hand raised to rest at her shoulder. Her skin was cold and it sent goose bumps down his arm, he quickly took his hand at his side.

"I'm sorry but you didn't seem to answer my previous question ?" Dan asked pretending to be bold but inside he was being scared shitless of the things happening right now.

"At the right time Dan." 

Now Dan was even more confused and getting irritated so he did the only thing his mind could think of; he grabbed her elbow and spun her around. 


Just as he was about to see her face he woke up startled by the sudden noise. He quickly turned to his side to snooze the alarm. Only then did he notice that he was covered in a thin layer of sweat and breathing hard. He put his hand quickly on his chest trying to calm his racing heart. Inhaling as much as air he could, he gently exhaled and continued the process trying to control his heartbeat. After calming his racing heart, he just couldn't help but remember the emerald eyes revealed to him just as he was woken up by his alarm. He couldn't believe that it was all a dream and how it felt so real to him. He quickly grabbed his phone from his bedside table and saw that the time read 7 am. Quickly standing from his bed he began starting his morning routine not wanting to be late for  work but not completely forgetting the emerald eyes either.

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