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his p.o.v

as time passed i remember the first time i meet my little angel it was almost a year since we get together as the passed i keep reminding myself how much me and my angel has gone though but i wanted to ask my angel to marry me  even though i was afraid that she might say no to me or something worse so i walked over to her.

" honey can i ask you something very important ? " i said nervously never knowing what her answer will be.

" of course u can , u can ask me anything" She said with a caring voice and i felt my heart skipped a beat.

"w-will u m-marry me ? " I started to say as i was stuttering my head off then she started to blush with a smiles on her face while crying but i couldn't help looking in her eyes and hoping of a yes.

" yes i will marry u !" She said crying while hugging me with joy then i hugged her back while crying as well so i kissed her this was the best day ever for the both of us , i will always love her and now we will be together forever and ever.

" i always swear to her that whatever may come ill stay by ur side , and ill continue to steal ur heart of the rest of my life." I smile at my angel as i was getting ready to kiss her on the lips.

"ill stay by ur  as well my love" she said while blushing her little head off. For now on i will only look at my darling angel , and she will be in my wife until death.

The next day we decided to have the wedding a the beach.i away know that my angel would be the best thing that ever happened to me . later all our friends even my two friends that are a couple ej and nora they said congrats , my angel was so happy to have me close to her and i was happy to have her as my own. i know that school will be getting in the way of us and my angel will feel alone about school separating us but i know that my little angel will always be here when i need her the most.  

? p.o.v

As time went on i still remember how we meet i would say it has been a year since we meet but im glad that i meet him though my love is the bestest thing that has ever happened to me.

" honey can i ask you something very important ? " he said while being nervous about it , i don't even know what he was going to say so i turned around and looked at him.

" of course u can , u can ask me anything" i said with a caring voice like i always do to make my love claim.

"w-will u m-marry me ? " he said while stuttering her head off then i started to blush with a smiles on my face while crying but he couldn't help looking in my eyes and hoping of a yes but what he does not know is that i will say yes to him.

"Yes i will marry u !" i said while crying my head off then i hugged him close to me then he hugged me back so he kissed me me right on my lips it was the best day of are lives and we would be together forever and ever plus we always love each other.

" i always swear to her that whatever may come i'll stay by ur side , and i'll continue to steal ur heart of the rest of my life." he smiles at me and he starts to get really to kiss me again.

"ill stay by ur as well my love" i say while blushing my head off and knowing him he will only look at me. I started to blush and i pulled him in close so that way he can stay in my arms knowing the fact that both of us has school everyday plus  i am engaged now and i was so glad that i had my friends and a lover that cares about me. for now on i will spend my time with my love and my friends because they are the closest thing to a family. as time want on i started to notice that school is splitting us apart every day and i started to feel alone but for some reason my heart told me to keep my hopes up so i did but yet i can't help being sad when he is gone or away from me for so long .

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