Lex POV:
I knew she would leave today. I watch her disappear into the woods. Seth smile from my right.
"Well that's that." He says before turning and heading to the door but before entering he turns to me with that creepy smile.
"No one shall know she left. Thats and order." He walks in and closes the door behind him. Asshole.
I shift into my wolf and follow into the woods where KC disappeared. I decide to make sure she has a safe trip. The pack does have patrolers but not as much as other packs because no one ever attacks but better safe then sorry.
I follow KC for almost an hour till i see her make it to the border. She seems to not notice until she is a few meters away. I turn and about to leave when catch a scent I absolutely hate. Rouge.
I swivel around and see at least 26 rouges. I know, accurate. I crouch behind bushes. KC stands in the middel of the large circle. She shifts back human. Good thing I'm still in pack grounds but they are oddly close. Like they new she was coming. KC's mouth moves but I'm too far to hear. There seems to be an awkward silence for some time. Ummm o-kay?
KC turns to leave but suddenly the circle splits behind her to reveal an old, scruffy man. He talks and KC seems to stiffen. Who's this guy? KC turn to meet the man's eyes.
Now they stand looking at each other. I can't see much because of the guys in front of me. The man talks and KC takes shakes her head. Huh?
Suddenly a few rouges step forward and grab KC. I want to intervene but I'm clearly out numbered. She tries to fight them off with fists and kicks but to no avail. They are to many. One guy strikes KC over the head with an object from behind. She collapses to the ground in a heap. I whimper for my Luna. A man closest to the border turns and looks my way. I crouch lower, my sandy colour fur offering good cover. He turns back forward.
A different man steps forward holding something small. It's too dark to see. He kneels next to KC and takes her arm. He does some other stuff I can't see before standing and walking off. They pick KC up and drag off in a random direct.
When I think they far enough I jump forward and run to the spot where the group was. I mind-link near by patrolers while I sniff around.
I find some blood and I assume it's KC's. I carry on looking and smell my worst fears.
liquefied silver
I sprint back into pack lands and to the pack house. I need to tell Alpha.
They took the Luna
Should I end here? Naa.
***********************KC POV:
I groan as I look up. My head is pounding. WTF? Then it hits me like the person that hit me over the head. I was wolfnapped. All I see is the sky and from the slight yellows and orange I think its sunrise. Ah man, I never got a chance to get a watch. I can feel the motion of moving and from the wood digging into my back I guess I'm being dragged.
I tilt my head slightly to the right which makes the world spin more that in should. I close my eyes waiting to get my bearings, when I finally regain my composer I meet the face of a big, black guy looking forward holding what seems to be a chain. He walks with his back straight and head held high. I don't think he knows I'm awake.
"Pist! Pisst! Pisssst" I hiss. He growls and looks down at me.
"Ay brother, where we at?"
"Shut up" he growls and looks back forward. Now what?
"Pist! Pisst! Pisssst!"
"I'll leave you alone when you tell me where we at."
"We're in the rouge lands." He evily grins.
"Cool, buuut where is that?" I ask. I'm being dragged backwards and I'm on my back and somehow he expects to see where the hell I am?
"Here" he says with the same grin just as my 'ride' stops. I try my best to wiggle left and right, bending my head back and forth just to see what's he looking at.
"Okay, can someone turn me around!" I shout annoyed and when they finally do...
I wish they didn't
Longest chapter with 2 POV's. I'm awesome. I'm not particularly happy with it but...ya.
Where do you think she is. The story is staring to become cliché so something needs to change.Till next time my fellow savages
let's be bad together ✔
Werewolf"Well, if you're bad and I'm bad, let's be bad together." "Why the hell not." ✴ (line1)That was KC. KC is not your average girl, apart from being a werewolf, she also escaped a brutal life of torture and she probably would be voted 'most likely to n...