Chapter 8

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^ Kayson, up there!


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Kayson, took a left and headed the car into an Alley way. This is pretty scary if you ask me. He got off the car and so did I.

"Why did you have to park the car all the way over here?" I asked.

He shrug, and looked around his. "Well, I just wanted it to be far away from the school."

I frown, and walked to him. "And how are we possibly gonna get back to school?" I smile, and he looked at me thinking.  He snaps his fingers, "We can walk it, duh." He smirked, and started walking. I groan in annoyance. 

"But I don't feel like walking!" I whined, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to face me. He grinned. 

"Do you want me to carry you then?" He says and walks closer to me. I instantly back away from him,

"NO!" I said. "No thank you." 

He chuckles and continues walking. I follow him and as we almost got out of the alley two strong man came out. Blocking our exist out of here.

I gasped, Kayson looked at the two men. Oh shit bucket, I'm scared I-I don't know what's going on!

Kayson, went in front of me and pushed me behind his back protecting me. That's sweet- I mean...nothing.

"What do you guys want?" He asks them. Both of the tall muscular man looked at each other. 

"Kayson, we were looking all over for you." One guy started and rolled his eyes, "You need to fight this guy. He's been waiting to fight you. And you need o get back to fighting, NOW!"

Kayson, looked down thinking for a second. He turned his head towards me and back to the guys. He let out a sigh. "What about Kara, I can't just leave her here." 

All of them snapped their head towards me.

"Oh, No it's fine I don't-"

"Take her with you." The other guy suggested, Kayson shrugged in response. "Why not."

He looked back to me. Oh, heck no I do not want to go to this fight!

"Kara, come with us." Kayson, grabbed my hand and was about to walk but I stood my ground and didn't move. He looked back to me and yanked my hand but I was still stuck at the same spot.

"Kara...let's go." He sneered, I shook my head. "N-no." I stuttered, "I-I'm not going to an underground fighting p-place." Why was I scared?!

"I'll protect you. I promise." He whispered in my ear huskily. I let out a sigh, I hesitated. "O-okay."

Kayson, yanked me to the big tall muscular guys. "We have the car ready for you guys." One of the men said, Kayson nodded and we exited the alley. There was a black car parking in a parking lot. The tall muscular guy opened the car door for me and I got in with Kayson. Then the car drove off with full speed.


We made it into this scary mysterious place. I felt goosebumps run down my back. Then I felt someone put there hand behind my back. I jumped, and looked behind me, it was Kayson.

"Shush, just keep walking." He instructed, I nod not wanting to say anything else. Kayson, took a right heading into another Alley way. Then we took a left. A door came into our view.  He knocked on it three times. Maybe it was a code or something?

The door slightly opened and someone peeked there head out.

"Kayson?" The person says quit astonished. "I thought you weren't gonna come."  

Kayson, chuckled. "Yeah, I didn't either." He said. "Now, Alex. Let me in." 

The guy named Alex, nodded and opened the door wide open. We both walked in and Kayson, grabbed my hand with a tighten grip. Once we got in lot's of people were jumping, throwing food, clapping, and they were circled around a battle ring.

I looked who was in the battle ring. One small person and one tall person. The small person threw some punches but the big one dodged them. He looks like he has fast reflex but the small one doesn't, he seems new at this. 

I kept watching as the fight became more intense and really painful. The next thing the tall guy punches the small one right in the face, sending him flying across the battle ring. He landed on the floor with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Ugh..." I said in disgust. I quickly turn to Kayson, who was enjoying the fight. "How can you people like this?!" I asked, and got another shiver down my spine. Seeing those people getting beat up makes me sad and disgusted. I winced, imagining me fighting up there.

"It's beautiful." Kayson says, "Everything about it. It's every man for themselves. These people bet money on each other. Every round you get money. It's great!" 

I rolled my eyes, "People are getting hurt, Kayson!" I yelled at him and my attention fully on him. He shook his head, "It's their fault.They should keep practicing more. Once you join these fights there is no way to get out of them."

I opened my mouth to say something but got cut off.

"And the winner is..." the person who had cut me off said, "Ryder!" 

Everyone clapped for him and I stood there with my arms crossed on my chest. People put more money in this basket thing for the next fighter.

"Let's see here." The guy said. "The next fighter to fight Ryder is..." He trailed off. I rolled my eyes, this guy takes forever.


Everyone started clapping and cheering.

My eyes widen, I look back at Kayson, who was getting ready to go up to the battle ring. I stopped him, "Kayson, what are you doing?!" I asked, feeling really scared.

"I'm going up there to fight him." He simply replied. Oh god, he can' go up there he's gonna get hurt! What should I do! Oh my god!!!

"Kayson, you can't fight him please!" I begged, "You could get hurt or even worse." 

"If I don't fight him Kara, then who will?" With that being said he walked to the battle ring. I tugged on my hair with frustration and started praying for him.

"Oh my god. He's gonna get himself hurt!" I said to myself, I felt tears in my eyes but I shook them off.

"Let the match begin!" 

I raised my eyes and found Kayson, dodging his punches. Kayson, looked really fast. He looked faster than Ryder. Then Kayson, punched him in the face. Oh, yes! He's gonna be okay!

I kept staring at the match feelings lot's of different emotions. Kayson took some bad hits from Ryder but Kayson, decided to give karma back. 

Kayson, took another punch. He spits out the blood from his mouth.

"I CAN'T WATCH!" I cover my eyes. The bell dinged. It's already over?

I peeked to see who won. My mouth fell opened. KAYSON WON! YES! OH MY GOD!

"The winner is...." The guy trailed off, "You know him you love him....Kayson Knight!"

He grabbed his hand and put it in the air.

Everyone cheered and clapped. Girls sighed dreamily.

Kayson, got off the battle ring and walked to me. "See...Easy." He gave me a cocky smile. I slapped his arm,

"Shut up! YOU HAD ME WORRIED FUCKING KNIGHT!" I yelled a him, he chuckled. "Let's go home." He says, I nod happily. FINALLY WE'RE LEAVING THIS PLACE!

We walked out of the underground fight place and went in the car and drove off.

This is has been a long day...

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