The Other Alex Danvers

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It should not bother her but it does. It should not even be in her head but the comment is there buzzing around. Kara was safe. Everyone was safe. Except for the Professor, there were no other casualties. Being hunted by Nazis from another Earth was definitely one for the books, especially since their General had wanted Kara's heart. Alex shuddered.

That thing, however, was still nagging at her. That thing, that small thing Overgirl said. God, Overgirl creeped her the fuck out. She never thought she would hate Kara or Supergirl but looking at Overgirl's face; hearing her talk in that entitled, condescending voice made Alex want to pump her body full of Kryptonite bullets and watch her die. At least she's dead now.

There was still a minor detail, however, that Alex needed to clarify before she left Earth 1.

It was the night before they all left for their respective Earths and cities. It was also the night before the Professor's funeral. Everyone had convened at Joe's house. It was a sombre mood in the living room with the Legends regaling stories of the Professor's adventures. Barry, Cisco and Caitlyn were smiling and adding theirs to the mix. Felicity and Oliver were listening quietly to everyone around them. Iris and Kara were huddled in a corner talking about who knew what. She did not see Captain Cold.

He might be with Mick and Mick would be close to food and alcohol. She heard voices in Joe's kitchen. Alex followed the sounds emanating from the kitchen and sure enough Captain Cold and Mick were sitting around a small table with empty beer bottles, a full bottle of whisky and half eaten pizza.

"Hey," she announced.

Cold and Mick turned around. Mick grunted and resumed his drinking. Cold raised an empty shot glass. She nodded and sat across the table from him. He poured her a shot of whisky and said, "For the professor."

Glasses clinked. The scotch pleasantly burned her throat as warmth flowed into her. She flashed back to Sara Lance's seductive comment about loving the taste of good scotch. That was what? Two or three days ago. It seemed like a lifetime. She set the glass down and Mick refilled it.

"What brings you to the odds man table?" Cold asked.

Alex swallowed another shot. "Too crowded out there."

"Which Earth are you from again?" Mick asked, "Wait. The one with Skirt. You're Skirt's sister."

Alex threw him a death glare because of the bigoted comment about Kara.

"You mean Supergirl, right Mick? Kara?" Cold chided his friend. Mick belched.

Cold rolled his eyes. "Wonderful guy.

"I wanted to ask you something," Alex said, "When we were captured, Overgirl said she had a sister. Is that true?"

Cold held Alex's gaze. "Why are you asking?"

"Curious," Alex replied. She reached for the bottle.

Cold studied her. "I need more than that."

"She said her sister tried to kill her."

He leaned back and allowed Alex to refill his shot glass.

"Yes, Overgirl had a sister, just like Supergirl has you. I don't know much about the end," he started, "just rumours and stories but I know the beginning. Everyone knows the start of the great General. Her pod crash landed at Major Friedrich Danvers' home. His wife was a doctor and biochemist who worked with the army. His daughter was a teenager when they decided to keep Overgirl. Well, let's call her Kara-X. Kara-X worshipped the ground her sister walked on. They were inseparable. Her sister, let's call that one Agent-X -,"

The Other Alex DanversWhere stories live. Discover now