Bumping Into Him

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Alright well this is my attempt of making a one-shot. It needs a lot of editing but I do hope you like. And be surprised that I didn't include sex at all.


Waking up, I rubbed my puffy red eyes, as I stretched.

I knew that I had to let these feelings go, but I could not seem to just let them go. It would be like letting them go, but I was definitely not prepared for that.

As I started getting dressed for college, my phone began to ring. Already knowing that it was Brenna, I answered.

"Hey Brenna." I shrugged on a pair of skinny jeans.

"Nothing just Zayn being his annoying self." I heard her sigh heavily. "I mean I know I have these feelings for him, but he acts as if it's so difficult for him to express his towards me."

"Well, maybe Zayn is not comfortable with expressing those emotions just yet." I applied the last of my lipstick, smearing it together. "Give him time."

"But I gave him enough time to feel 'comfortable'."

"It does not work like that, Brenna, and you know that." I walked into the kitchen, heading for the refrigerator. I was famished after not eating bearly anything yesterday.

"Yeah, I know, but I also did not think that I would have such strong feelings for him." I grabbed a yogurt, not entirely in the mood for anything to big. "Anyways, how are you?"

I knew what she was referring to, but I was not about to explain to her how I cried till I fell asleep last night, again. "What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb with me Adds." I sighed, already knowing where this conversation was leading to. "You haven't been yourself ever since you left, and I can tell just by staring into your puffy eyes, and dark circles.

"I'm fine." Finished with the yogurts, I headed my out to my car. "I just need to focus on school, and I will be fine." I knew that I was lying, but I desperately did not want to explain the pain I'm going through at this moment.

"Adds, you act like I do not know who you are. We did live together, if you remember."

"How could I forget, but I am being serious." I hopped into my car, driving into the busy road. "All I need is a little time, and I will be over it, like that." I snapped adding emphasis to my words.

I heard her relieve a heavy sigh. "Anyways, I'm on my way to class. I'll call you when I finish."

"Alright." I hanged up before she could say anything else.

I know she didn't deserve the attitude, but I just wanted to get over these emotions by myself. I mean, how do you just stop lov- actually forget it.

Pulling into the university, I swerved into a parking spot, heading inside.

Just get through today's classes and Ill be home before I know it.



Finally setting my pen down, I massaged my head, feeling a headache coming on.

She, was gone, and I have yet to find another babysitter for the boys. It was a struggle because one, the boys would not stop asking about where she was, and two, maybe I just could not grasp onto the fact that somebody else was going to take care if my boys.

I don't know if ill find someone else that I can trust to care for my boys. It wasn't like I could ask there skank of a mother, since I'm still pissed at the games she tried to play me for.

Trying to relieve my now pounding headache, I heard the click of my office door opening.

I watched as my boys strolled them growing selves into my office. "What's up guys?"

Josiah came to sit on my lap, as Freddy came to hang onto my chair.

"Donde es ninera?" Josiah asked. I had heard this questions about a thousand times, and I give them the exact same answer every time?

"She's on vacation guys, I keep telling you that."

"When will she be back, Papi? I wish she would be back this minute, but the boys wouldn't understand so all I could tell them was soon.

"Alright lets go put you guys to bed." We all walked sown towards their rooms, and prepared for bed.

As I put them to bed, all I could hope for was one thing.




I stared into the lions eyes, as it watched me hang onto the cage.

I had decided to visit the zoo, since I needed something to distract my mind off of him.

Tired of observing the lion's , i went over to check out the peacocks, but in doing so, I bumped into a man, losing my balance.

Before I could fall, a pair of arms wrapped around my torso, preventing me from hitting the hard cement.

Looking at my savior, It first appeared to me that he had chocolate brown hair.

Straightening up, I fixed my appearance, getting ready to thank him, but before I could he spoke up first.

"What's a beautiful lady like you, doing here in the zoo." I noticed his business attire, and rather handsome baby facial features.

"Just wanted to stop by and check out the animals. I'm still kind off new around this area." I smiled, when I noticed a smirk etching onto his adorable face. "What about you? I'm pretty sure not everyone comes to the zoo, wearing business suits."

"Its' actually working right now." I think he noticed my confused expression, because he began to clarify. " I own my own charitable organizations, along with animal sanctuaries as one of them."

"Wow, that's so heroic of you." He grinned, extending his hand towards me.

"I'm spry but I have yet to know your name."

Extending my own hand, I went to shake his. "Its Adora."



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