That happened fast

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(Shawn's's pic is above)

Just when Greg, Lizyah, CeCe, and Izzy got their new backpacks and supplies, they went to the school to get all the same schedules as Shawn Brown and his Bestfriend, Andrew Smith.

CeCe pulled Lizyah to the side to tell her something as they started walking to school.

"Girl Shawn is fine as hell u need to go ahead and talk to him when we get to the school, girl u know Izzyboo gone get mad if I talk to a boy!!" CeCe laughed.

"Well I'll give it a try, but what are these?" Asked Lizyah holding out a weird shaped fruit.

Greg stepped in front of Lizyah and CeCe making him walk backwards.

"It's a tempest apple, it changes our accents." Greg shrugged.

"Finally we'll get to change our accents for goddamn once" Izzy said quickly.

"Bae I love u, but take a bite out of the shit so I can kiss u!! CeCe said chucking. As they all stopped walking.

"Alright guys u people are going to take a bite on the count to 3.

Greg, Lizyah, and Izzy all took a bite of the apple.

"Try talking" CeCe said excited.

"Hey" Izzy said in his deep new voice. "Woah it works!!."

"It does?" Greg said with his voice as deep as Izzy's but a different voice sound.

"Wow!" Lizyah said in her new light- medium voice.

CeCe laughed as she jumped into Izzy's arms and kissed him on the lips.

Lizyah laughed as he looked at Greg who was staring at CeCe all sad.

"U ok?" Lizyah whispered in his ear.

"No" Greg looked at her with his puppy dog eyes then looked down at the ground making his dreads fall on his face.

"Come on" Lizyah said as she looped her arm under Greg's as they all continued walking.

They walked for about 5 more minutes then they arrived at the school.

"U guys go inside so I can talk to Greg real quick" Lizyah said as she interwinded fingers with Greg's wondering what's wrong with him.

"Ok!!" Izzy and CeCe said at once.

They ran inside and Lizyah stepped in front of Greg letting go of his hand.

"I like Courtnee" Greg said sounding like he was going to cry. But he still kept his head down as his dreads covered his face again.

"Why wouldn't u tell me this before?" Lizyah said all sad too.

"Because, ik u would tell Israel and he would hurt me and-"

"I'm always right here for u, and I wouldn't tell, what kind of sister do u think I am?" Lizyah said hugging him and he returns the hug.

"Come on" Lizyah saids grabbing his hand and interwinding fingers with him again and pulling him up the stairs as they both pushed the door opened together.

They saw CeCe and Izzy sitting on a bench on the other side of the room was when they walked through the door. And CeCe was sitting on Izzy's lap as they played.

Lizyah pushed Greg's face to the left as she called them over there.

As soon as they heard her call and went to the entrance and she turned Greg's face around again. He nodded thanking her as she nodded her head too.

"Ok guys we're gonna need to kinda stalk Shawn so we can find what he's trying to do" Lizyah said. "Greg, u try to dig through his backpack without getting caught, CeCe u hack into his phone, Izzy u do the same with CeCe, and as for me?? I'll get to know him so he can tell me more what's going on cause he doesn't know who we are.......... YET."

CeCe gasped as she saw Shawn, and pointed shaking Lizyah.

Lizyah followed her bestfriend's gaze as she sees Shawn.

He's so beautiful!! Lizyah thought as she looked at his eyes, as she saw they were light gold on the inside and on the edge of his eyes we're purple

"Zamn" Lizyah whispered in Cece's ear.

Lizyah went to go get some water out the water fountain up ahead as she felt someone tap on her back as CeCe shrieked.

As she turned around slowly, she looked up at one of the most



On Earth

Shawn Brown

Lizyah froze for a minute, and was quite shocked that Shawn even saw her.

"Hey" he said in his deep tired voice. It was deeper than Izzy's and Greg's right then.

"H-h-hi" Lizyah stuttered looking at his perfect jawline and a apple on his throat (what boys normally have).

"You're so beautiful, what's your name?"

"Lizyah" she said more comfortably.

"That's very pretty"

"Thanks, yours?" Lizyah laughing at herself inside of her body.

"Brown, Shawn Brown" he said holding his hand out to shake hers. As she took it, as they shook softly.

"Hey bestfriend!!" Courtnee skipped over where Lizyah was.

"Hey girl" Lizyah said looking at CeCe saying in her eyes "DAMNNNNNN!!!!!!!!"

Shawn's eyes didn't look at CeCe like he did Lizyah, he put his hand out for CeCe to shake and she shook it as well.

"Hey Lizyah?" Shawn asked making Lizyah have chills.

"Yes boo?" Lizyah said.

"Can u meet me at PlayStation skating rink at 6?" Shawn said with a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at Lizyah while biting his bottom lip.

"Sure, u want my number?" Lizyah asked as she had butterflies in he whole stomach.

Shawn handed her his phone as she clicked the home button and she put her number in his phone and he immediately texted her:

Hey cutie💜😘- unknown

She put him as

Shawn (future Boyfriend)

Hey boo😂💝

She took a glance at his phone as he typed and she looked at what he named her,

•Lizyah (future princess) :D💖

"Anyway I gotta get going, see ya!" Lizyah said as CeCe looped arms with Lizyah.

"See u later cutie!!" Shawn kinda yelled.

Lizyah looked back as she saw his eyes twinkle one more time as he looked sad to see her go.

Hey guys!!! So the next chapter is the rest of the day spying on Shawn and seeing what he's up too!!

What do u think Shawn is hiding?? Will the wolf pack find out?



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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