Chapter XXII: Greater Darkness

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"Darkness was the key. The key to unite Humanity, but it costed my own humanity." - ?

_Clans POV_
I saw the battle end using my magic to spy on the Reborn, I slammed my fist on my throne enraged, my Gladiators were dead, and even worse, one of them betrayed, my anger was interrupted by one of my Cultist entering my chamber. "My Lord, you seem distressed." He said smiling. "Just tell me your ritual is ready." I said annoyed. "Indeed, Ra's body has been reassembled, all that remains is your sacrifice." He replied. "Of course, and prepare everyone for battle in case of any interlopers, Horda." I ordered. "Of course, my Lord." Horda replied leaving, the Blade of Balanced may have been destroyed, but Ra would be resurrected and merged with my soul, the heart of a demon, I would become a god, and build a Greater Realm of my own, just as I promised my followers.

_Newa POV_
Me and our armies arrived near the Clans palace ready to storm it and end this war for good. "The place seems more fortified than anything we've encountered." Eregast explained. "It won't be as easy as before." "I'm sure we can handle this, we've destroyed the Blade, we can stop the Clans." I said valiantly. "Once it's over, Valeria will finally be free of darkness once and for all." "Then what is the plan?" Balard asked. "I don't want to put your people in anymore danger, it's my turn to fight for you." I explained. "I will come with you." Morris replied. "As will I." Galileo replied. "Sharon will pay." "Very well, let's do this!" I yelled running into battle, Morris and Galileo followed behind me weapons ready, our last stand had begun.

The Clans instantly noticed us and sent every last warrior they had at us, I instantly activated my Masters Arc and cut down a majority of their men, Morris summoned his Dragon and was providing me cover from above, burning through the enemy quickly, while Galileo shot down any survivors behind us, we quickly entered the palace encountering more warriors as we tracked down Sharon, we eventually stopped and held ourselves up in the Sharon's chamber to regroup. "This place is endless." I said exhausted. "Will never be able to find him." Morris said. "Wait, his tunnels." Galileo said surprised, destroying his throne to reveal a secret passageway. "He has to be in their." Galileo explained. "Then let's go catch us a false idol." Morris said smirking, we instantly went through the passage to find a massive room with a massive ritual, I was shocked to see what was being used. "How, but they said, how?" I said shocked, that had Ra's body. "Do you understand Sharon's purpose now, he will guide us to the Greater Realm, he will become our god and save his followers from the destruction of Valeria." A Cultist explained. "You can't defeat him." He instantly summoned a massive spear and attacked me, I blocked his attack and fought him off, Galileo and Morris attempted to join me, but were pushed out of the chamber as the door closed off. "Now it's just us, Reborn." He said smirking. "I, Horda, the god's Grand Cultist will kill Valeria's supposed savior." He attacked me with godly speeds and knocked me into a wall, I couldn't recover at all from that. "Now Reborn, die." He said pointed his spear at me, but he suddenly turned to ash in front of me, Sharon entered the chamber amused by me. "So, the battle has finally come, light versus darkness, savior against god, life attempting to stop death, Valeria's Reborn fights the God of Evil, me." Sharon explained. "So, are you going to kill me now, bring Valeria peace and harmony, end the war that killed you eons ago." I instantly became shocked by his response. "What?" I asked frightened. "Wait, you don't?.." Sharon instantly started laughing. "Mwahahaha! You fool, Ra bestowed me with reincarnation in order to revive him now, you were meant to do the same with me, but the Humans corrupted you and turned you into their savior, the one that would kill me eons later, now in this very instance! Don't you see, your nothing, your a corrupted demon, your a d....." I stabbed him annoyed by his explanation. "I don't care what I am." I said. "I am Newa, Valeria's Reborn and Savior, and you won't win this war." He started laughing again dying. "Mwahahaha...Mwahahaha! You actually fell for it!" Sharon yelled, Ra's body instantly began to disintegrate into Sharon's body. "Yes! Yes! Now Ra, Demon God of Evil, absorb into me and you shall guide us into the Greater Realm, we shall kill the Reborn!" Sharon's body began to morph into a new body, gaining horns and massive bone wings while his entire body turned into a living shadow, he collapsed to the ground before getting up and summoning a massive cleaver and sword to his side. "Now Reborn, you will die today." He said. "Now before Ra, the God of Evil!"

Next: Chapter XXIII: Demon of Evil

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