Chapter 3

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Derek stood there waching his mate run away from him wich hurt him but he knew his mate was hurting so he had to help before it was to late.
Stiles panted and stumbled up the stairs as he ran to his room. As he got there he laid his head on the door he was expecting some alone time to cry his eyes out and cut a little. But what he didn't expect two arms wrapping around him and turning him around and into a firm chest. "Stiles are you ok"? Stiles jumped a foot "what the hell sour wolf"?! "I just wanted to make sure that you're okay" Derek said as he scooped a red faced Stiles up into his arms and carried him to his bed. Stiles didn't reply he just fiddled with his hands, he forgot to take his adderall so he was all fidgety. Derek was sad that styles was afraid of him so he put his hand under Stiles chin and lifted it up so he could see Stiles beautiful face. "Please Stiles tell me what's wrong it's killing me to know that you're hurting so much that you've cut yourself, I want to help you whether you like it or not". Stiles took a deep breath "I cut because I'm worthless and should just die my own father tells me that every single day". This made Derek so angry the only keeping him from walking up to Stiles father and beating the shit out of him. "He also beats me to the point that I black out" Stiles voice faltered and he started to cry. Derek wrapped his arms around him and payed down so they were cuddling he could feel his mates heart speed up this made him smile and pull him closer. I'm dreaming there's no way that Derek Hale the most popular guy at school was in my room let alone holding me "um Derek not to be rude or anything but why do you care whether I live or die you're popular and have girls falling over themselves to get your attention and I'm just me plain geeky simple Stiles". He really thinks so low of himself? I'm going to murder his father and any person who's hurt him to make him feel like this. "Stiles look at me you're anything but plain and simple you are geeky but it makes you adorable and I don't care about those girls I only have eyes for you". *Internally screaming* "a.a.. aren't you straight you've dated many girls". "Those girls didn't care about me at all they just used me for my popularity" Stiles frowned "I'm sorry I.. didn't know please don't hurt me" Stiles said as he curled in on himself. He still thinks that I'm going to hurt him I'd never lay a finger on him I love him too much and I don't want to end up like my father."Stiles I'm never going to hurt you why do you think that I'm going to"? "well um.. um some of your friends have beaten me up before so.." Derek was fuming and Stiles could tell his face was all red and he was clenching his fists." Hey hey it's okay don't worry calm down please". Derek just pulled him even closer if that's even possible and breathed in his scent. He was driving him crazy and he didn't even know it but when Stiles looked at him with his big doe eyes he couldn't control himself and went into kiss him when he heard Stiles dad come home and stumbled up the stairs. Stiles froze with fear when the door busted open and there and behold was his completely drunk father.

Sorry I've been M. I. A I'll try to update more often. Again I'm sorry

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