♡•{A meet up}•♡

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[9:23 AM, June 21, 2001.]
You sat the table outside your house. It had been 2 years since that day. Since the day. The day you were touched by him. Touched by the famous mangaka. At the time, you were 17, he was 20. Now, you, Josuke, And Okuyasu were now 19.
"Oi, (Y/N)?"
It was Josuke. His head was poking through the doorway. You looked at him. "Yes?"
"Someone's calling ya." He said, handing the phone you. "Hello?"
"Hello, (Y/N)." That voice was similar. It was him. You froze, and glanced at the phone. "How did you get this number, Kishibe?" you said, furious. "Got it from a friend. Now listen, I think we should see each other aga-" he was cut off by your voice. "No. After everything that happened, you wanna try to see me again?" You said, crossing your legs. "Yes. It's been a while, (Y/N)." he was beginning to sound annoyed. "Absolutely not." You almost yelled at the phone. "Meet me at the cafe at 2nd street. I'll see you there my love." Those were is last words, before he hung up.

[12:47, June 21, 2001.]
"Well, look who actually agreed to show up." He cooed, his hands on his hips. You growled. "Shut it Kishibe."
He laughed and put his arm around you. "Now, now, my sweet little (Y/N)! Don't be so violent." He chirped, tracing his finger down your face, and then touching your breast. You've never slapped someone so hard. "Back off perv!" You yelled. He threw his hands in the air. "Keep it down!" He said. You grunted and crossed your arms. "Just buy me something you eat."

♡•{Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize for not posting in a while. I've been dealing with a lot of things and it's just been hard to keep up. I'll try to continue this story, but if it takes a while, please bare with me. Thanks! ~Bittersweetluver}•♡

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