• to the boy who's locker is below mine •

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do you talk about anything
other than girlfriends
and sports?
where'd you get your patience from,
a broken hourglass?
you don't know it, but you
terrify me.
you're so insensitive.
you sat there, cracking jokes
about suicide and making nooses
with your stupid hoodie laces
without knowing that the girl
you see everyday,
the girl that doesn't talk,
has fantasized about suicide.
you probably haven't cried
in five years
and i cried every single night
for an entire year.
you're so immature.
you stood there, wasting time
and arguing instead of sucking it up
and just doing it.
sorry to break it to you, but
dirty dishes won't kill you.
and, by the way,
get a fucking haircut.

~dedicated to chris. fuck you~

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