Chapter Three

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I looked around the room. There were clothes scattered around and it was messy. Not as much as my room, though. I looked over to the person sleeping next to me. God, he is so cute. I was smiling like an idiot, I can't remember smiling like this since we first came to space.

A piece of hair fell on his face. I put my hand out to pull the hair out of his face when his eyes flicker open. I quickly pull my hand back and to my face to hide the blush.

Keith yawns stretching his arms and yawning, "Morning or night whatever time it is." His eyes closed once more. "We're in space, I can't ever tell anymore." Keith laughed at the joke, omg he actually laughed, I laughed back at the joke. "Hmm, how did I end up here? Where is here?"I knew where I was, I just wanted to know. "Um, well, last night after you took the pills they kicked in to fast and you fell asleep. It made me worried and I wanted to keep it an eye on you, so I let you sleep in my bed." We both had a dark blush on our faces. "I'm hungry and going to get something to eat, are you coming?" Keith asked getting out of bed. All of a sudden it felt cold and lifeless. "Yeah sure," I said stretching my arms, clicking my joints.

We both made our way, occasionally bumping into stuff, to the kitchen. I quickly made some coffee and sat in my usual spot next to Keith. "Do you want any space goo?" Keith asks sitting in the chair next to me. "I-uhm..." I couldn't make up an excuse, "Hey are you okay?" Keith asked, putting his hand on mine. "Truthfully, I can't eat food." I explain as tears fill my eye's, "To be honest I can't eat or sleep, I'm constantly in a panic. I have no clue what to do!" Tears spilled out from my eyes as my hands pulled at my hair. "Lance, calm down, calm down. Look at me, look at me." He instructed. Our eyes locked, mine full of sadness as his were full of softness and sternness. "Okay, I-I'm looking at you." He sent me a calming smile, "Take a deep breath, in for two and hold for five. Out for seven, yes like that." I copied Keith's breathing, after a while, I was finally calm enough to speak without stuttering. "Right, come here."He wrapped his arms around my neck and rubbed circles on my back. "Okay, now..." Keith said pulling away and looking me in the eyes once again, "What's wrong?" I tried to stay focused on his gaze. "I don't know, recently I just feel- remember when I told you about that person down in the hanger?" I said replaying the event in my head. "Yeah," He answered slowly. Well, that boy made fun of it in front of me. I then sang him a song, little does that boy know that ever since I was 14 I have never loved someone the same way I loved him.


I sat in the back of my English class next to my best friend, Hannah. We laughed and joked together until it was finally over. We were only fourteen at the time, but we felt older. I finally got the courage to ask her out. She surprisingly said yes. Days, weeks, and months went by and we were still going strong as the power couple of our school. One day I found her crying outside the school, "Hannah, what's wrong?" I asked her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. "I can't do it anymore! I can't stay here...I need to run away." She said crying into my shoulder. "No, you don't need to run away," I started, "we need to run away." She pulled away from hug surprised, "I have enough money to get us a house out in the country, we can live there together." We hugged once more before going our separate ways to pack some bags and get ready to move away. We secretly said our goodbyes to our families and walked out of our houses for the last time.

We lived like that for a year. I had a part-time job and Hannah took online classes during the day, while she worked night shifts at a 7 11. I took night classes.

One day I walked into the house, a smile on my face, but when I walked into the kitchen I found my baby girl huddled up in the corner of the room crying. "Hannah, what's wrong?" I asked kneeling beside her. Shaking, she handed me a letter. Slowly, and carefully, I unfolded the letter to read it.

Dear Miss Davies,

We are sorry to inform you, but you have been diagnosed with lung cancer. Unfortunately, as of your age, we can not do surgery to be rid of your cancer. Also, we have caught it too late as it has already spread. We are sorry to say that you only have two months to live.

After I finished the letter I realized that Hannah was no longer beside me, but on the couch. I went over and sat down next to her. "You know what I wanted to do? What school I wanted to enroll in?" She asked as I pulled her into a hug. "Of course I do, you wanted to go to the Galaxy Garrison and be one of the first people to travel father then anyone has in space," I answer speaking into her hair. "I'll never get to do that now." She starts to cry, but she was right, she wasn't going to do it she died in the hospital...


I am so tired right now it's 01:33 am aahh I need sleep.

Edited: January 25, 2019

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