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I've been in this place for weeks. my only companion is this women from Oklahoma. She never talks, just sits in the corner. I'm afraid she isn't going to make it much longer. I don't know what they do to her when they take her away but it seems to be far worse than what I experience. Every time I wake up, usually from a horrible slumber, they come get me. I never get a good look at them, but I know they're not normal. when they walk, they slump over and limp. From the mask they wear I can see that they have more than two eyes. They glow a weird blue shade, and never seem to blink. These... things, they torture us. when they take me out of this room, they blindfold me. when they finally take the blindfold off, I'm always sitting in a chair with my arms and legs strapped down. sometimes, they go easy on me, but normally they don't. last time, one of them sliced both of my legs with a rusty knife. when I passed out from the pain, it injected me with some green liquid that made me wake up immediately. Then it sliced my arms with the same knife, and injected me with the same liquid. When I was possibly bleeding all over, it pulled out a jar of bugs and poured them on my wounds. I cant describe how much it hurt. when I passed out again, I woke back in the room with the women. when they came and got her, she screamed the most horrifying scream I've ever heard. this time, she never came back. I was afraid of that. everyone eventually never comes back. I was just surprised I'm the last one left. But being alone makes it worse. they bring me more food now that I'm the last one. they haven't came and took me away yet. I know this sounds weird, but I wish they would. at least I feel something when they torture me. when I'm here alone, I feel nothing. absolutely nothing. not even sadness. I have nothing. why won't they just come get me? why did I have to be the only one to survive? why haven't I died yet?

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