Tag 14

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I was tagged by the one, the only CharliBae12 I am following my queens suit and doing at as a tag ^ω^

1. Where were you 3 hours ago.
It's 10pm I was at home where else would I be?

2. Confession.
I'm lactose intolerant yet I still eat ice cream because fuck it.

3. Bad habit.
I chip off my nails with my other nails. So I can't get the spray and they're always just nubs.

4. Favorite colour.
Blue/ black

5. What is the colour of your toothbrush.

6. Can you drive.
Not every well but yes I can drive a manual

7. Birthday.
Sometime in November, yeah fuck telling the internet that.

8. Addiction.

9. 3 pet peeves.
Uneven numbers (I have three pericings and it annoys the hell outta me)
When I have to explain simple things
Just small things like that

10. Last person you hugged.
Danny (no context)

11. Zodiac sign.
Scorpio, and honestly I am as bitchy as they say we are.

12. Something you miss.
The morning bus trips with CharliBae12 those were the best

13. What song is currently stuck in your head.
Dirty Sexy money

14. Eye colour.
Grey 80% of the time but depending on my mood sometimes they turn baby blue. It's fucking weird but I have a joke about it, I have grey eyes because I'm dead inside and have "zombie" eyes.

15. What part of the world do you live in.
Australia mate, where I want to die in summer

16. Favorite quote.
"a threesome with bacon sounds pretty good actually"
- WolfieGirl17788 2018

17. Somewhere you would like to visit.
France. Home to my people

18. Do you like your name.
What kinda question is this?

19. Favorite season.
Winter, because I can cuddle in front of the fireplace with a blanket and hot chocolate/ coffee just watching a horror movie.

20. What type of phone do you have.
Oppo A57

21. Something you're excited for.
Fall out boy concert with CharliBae12
27th hopefully with NorminahIsMyShit
Supernova with WolfieGirl17788

22. How long does it take you to get ready.
Half an hour to be safe that includes shower, blow dry hair, makeup, clothing. I can go faster if need though

23. Biggest fear.
Probably losing those closest to me

24. Favorite band.

25. Favorite animal.
Reptiles and cats, I can't choose

26. Favorite person.
Too many to tag 😂😂😂

27. One food you hate.
Tuna. Just no. Get away from me if you have it

28. Favorite movie.
Wolf creek, maze runner, gaurdiens of the galaxy

29. Do you get grossed out easily.
Hell no, the gorey-er the better, I love a good blood bath.

30. Relationship status.
Single as fuckkkkkk and loving it.

I tag:
Any one else who wants to do it.

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