Chapter 1: Meet the superstar, Jack Frost

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13 years later~~

In the park of NYC, a photo shoot was arranged there, as it was requested by the camera man. It was for the celebrity weekly magazine and the model for this, is one of the most famous stars in America, Jack Frost; A 6'0 tall man with pure white hair, which shaped into a quiff, has eyes that resembles the clearest sky and pointy nose that fits his sculpted face.

He did a great job at posing, different styles, meanings, atmospheres: they're lying if they say he didn't do a great job. The Star's Fans crowded the area and took their own pictures of him through the gaps of the muscular bodies of the security guards. Twenty Guards stood firmly and stiffly, preventing them from rushing after Jack. The reason why there were so many's because last time, the ten bodyguards weren't enough to keep them at bay, so they decided to double the amount.

With one last shot, it was over. "Great work, Jack! Perfect as always. Okay that's a wrap up, people." The camera man said, happy with his result as he should be.

The fans screamed/cheered for their idol. "Great job, Jack!"

"Oh my god, you are perfect!"

"Please sign my poster!"

He waved and smiled seductively at them. That's when they lost control. Even with more guards, these girls were still troubling them.

"You were great, jack!" His make up artist complimented.

"Of course. Years of experiences always pays off later."  He replied smugly as he drank some water.

"Yeah yeah. Oh by the way, did you hear--?" A bang was heard near the park. A bomb was detonated in the building near them, which made the skyscraper collapsed on to the park.

Pieces of the fallen tower spread across the area. Big, small cemented blocks, glass shards were raining down like crazy. Citizens were in a state of panic as they tried to protect themselves. Some people escaped death with cuts and minor injuries, while others were unfortunate and died. Jack and some of his workers were safe from death as they hid behind trees. Sadly one of the shards struck his makeup artist and she died.

"Come on, you guys! We have to go right now!" The camera man ordered. They ran back to their vans, but Jack didn't move. "Jack! Did you not hear me? We have to go!"

"I heard you loud and clear, but I got a different plan. You guys go, I'll stay here and help the civilians." He dashed to the battlefield and trying to locate any survivors. This is as bad as 9/11. He thought.

Looking around the area, he realized that the army were there already.

I guess they weren't kidding when they say they'll be here in a flash. He thought, sweating a bit.

A plead for help was heard. "Help! Please someone help!"

Jack rushed to the direction of the voice. Arriving there, he found two civilians, a mother and a son (possibly), were trapped under the rumbles of the fallen skyscraper.

"Hey! Are you alright there?" He shouted out to them.

"I'm alright, but my aunt's not. Please save us, mister!" He yelled back desperately. Huh, wrong guess.

"Don't worry, kid. That's what I'm here to do." He attempted to lift it up, but to no avail. It would be impossible unless...

What should I do? If I use my powers, I'll be exposing myself. But if I don't, she'll die from blood loss. He debated. Those two options have bad consequences; it was a lose-lose.

"Please hurry, mister! She's going to die. Please... Help her! I'll do anything." The kid cried out.

Jack's brain was telling him that It's a bad idea to help them, that he should find someone else and save himself, but his heart is screaming at him to help. Sadly, Jack always think with his brain.

'I'm sorry, kid.' He looked at him with pity and took a step back. The boy saw and continued to plead him.

"Hey, come back! She really is going to die! Please, don't leave us!" He cried and cried, desperately trying to get him to rescue them.

'I'm so, so sorry. But I can't do anything.' He shut his eyes and walked away.

"No. No no no! Come back! You have to help her! I'll give you anything. Just please... Save my aunt." He kneeled out as much as he could in the rumble, shaking with tears streaming down his face. The sound of water, or should I say tears, dripping was enough to smash Jack's heart into a million pieces. He tried to look away, he tried to move his body and leave, but he couldn't. He was too being sympathetic. Too kind to turn his back on them. So he had no choice but to help the kid. "This is going to bite me in the ass later." He whispered to himself, facepalming.

Jack ran back, pulled up his right sleeve and taking his glove off, revealing a tattoo. It was 4 diamond patterned lines of inscriptions, halfway to his forearm.

"Cover your head, kid." He warned and then smacked the rumbles head-on with his right fist that was covered in snow, like an armor.

The kid stared in aw'ed, questioning himself if what he saw was true. He didn't notice that his savior had hid the tattoo and picked up his beloved aunt bridal style. "Hey, kid, No time for spacing out. We gotta move."

The child nodded, and he led them to where his crews were. Once he got there, he saw that they didn't leave him.

"Jack! You're back." The camera man sighed in relief. "But who are they?"

"No time to explain. We have to go to the hospital right now!" They nodded, understanding the situation.

They climbed into the van and drove to the said location. And By now, the army must've saved the others already, so he stopped worrying.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the hospital and call the doctors. She went into the emergency room and had to go through surgery to repair her damaged organs.

The albino stayed with the little boy, whose name is Peter, because the poor thing was not taking it in nicely.

Waiting another few hours, the doctor came out and said that the operation was a success and she should wake up tomorrow.

"R-Really!?" He sniffled. "Thank you, doc'! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"

The doctor smiled and left. "And Thank you so much, mister! Aunt May wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you!"

Jack bent down and patted him on the head. "You're welcome, Peter. But promise me that you won't tell anyone what you saw, all right?" The boy nodded enthusiastically. "All right!"

"Peter? Where are you, Peter?!" Someone shouted the boy's name.

He gasped, "Uncle Ben!" He ran to and hugged him.

"Peter? Oh thank goodness that You're not hurt. I thought I lost you, my boy." The older man returned his hug eagerly, crying tears of joy.

Jack smiled sadly at the little reunion and thought that it's time for him to go. He returned to his crew and they left the place.

What he didn't know was that a man wearing a black cloak had followed him and watched him leaving.

"So this is where you've been. In this noisy dump." He growled loudly, but then a smirk crawled up his lip. "Hope you enjoy it here, but it'll be time for you to go home. To me, ba-- I mean... Skade." He let out a roar of laughter as he disappeared into the shadow.

| Chapter One - Ended |

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