part 6

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Ruhi is not allowed to keep a pet dog at home due to Santoshi Bhallas problem but Ishita tells Ruhi that she will take care of the dog and will adopt the dog.Ishita tells Ruhi for the dogs name Ruhi replies Muttu:).Now now it's late night and suddenly Ruhi suffers from a tooth ache Raman is helpless and confused at this moment and takes her to Ishitas clinic.Ishita takes cares of Ruhi and does all the requirements for her.Ishita Ruhi is in a numb state.Ishita when questions Raman about how many choclates does Ruhi eats everytime Raman replies that he doesnt know and is all busy with his mobile.Ishita thinks Raman is a careless father and does her procedure after the procedure she tells Raman that she will be in his car as Ruhi needs some help.Raman agrees to it and they both take Ruhi back home safely

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