Farther- Back Home

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"Bro you're stepping on my new vans! Stop!" Grayson yelled in the midst of the crowd.

"Sorry. " Ethan murmured. He was tired and had been going through heart palpitations since last two days. Maybe it was the fear of getting back into the routine. Every day was new and different, but that didn't mean it was peaceful.

Getting off the Uber Grayson payed the driver and grabbed his luggage with the little help from the driver. He seemed a little angsty.

They had not talked properly in about a day. All the while travelling both of the brothers had earphones plugged into their ears.

The only thing connecting them was the noise blasting into each person's ears - There For You by Troye Sivan.

They were welcomed into the warehouse with water covering a few inches to the floor, the smell of rubber and deoderant. They used that as an alternative to room freshner.

"I'll hit the lights in our rooms. You check on the food. I'm really hungry. "  Ethan went upstairs to check on their rooms.

Grayson let out a cough and shouted. "Ethan! Ew. I think something is dead in here. Come on, fast!"

"What the fuck is that smell ? Had you left the toilet un-flushed, Gray? I swear I'm gonna hit you with a golf stick! "

It was a massive bowl of mac & cheese with a firm fuzzy green layer of fungus sprouting out of it.

"Did you put that in there? " Grayson asked and Ethan simply nodded knqoing he was guilty.

It wasn't his fault Grayson wouldn't stop cooking stuff all the time. Sometimes he just didn't want to break it to his little brother's identical face that he was, infact, a horrible cook. The macaroni was hard as lego blocks and the parmesan cheese was cold cut into blocks with maybe half a cup of salt and pepper as per Ethan's estimation.

"Grayson, I'm sorry to remind you but I didn't want to get sick on the plan and chose the healthier option. "

"Yeah, cheeseburgers. That's why you ordered two. Now I get it. Go fuck yourself! "

"Bro we need to clean this first then I'll go do that!" Ethan snatched the cloth from Grayson and tied it as a bandana to  cover his nose.

"Do what?" He wasn't being much of a help but he actually didn't want to help. He was upset that every time he cooked, no one appreciated . He had once planned to get cooking lessons but this hectic schedule never gave him enough time to himself than go and join cookery classes. The community he was a part of failed to teach him how to handle a saucer and sauce with a whip-stick.

"Fuck myself Gray! Gash! C'mon help me out. Open the garage and take the bin bags out."

Grayson ran ahead of his brother and struggled  to open the garage door. The water had seeped into the garage and had rusted the mechanic lock. 

"We need to get this fixed. It won't open by itself."

"It never does. You need the remote idiot. Where's it? "

Ethan was tired of Grayson spoiling things and delaying stuff all the time. He considered his little brother's a little slow at pace -  maybe he was a little hot-headed himself?

"Bro, look. Even with the control it isn't working This whole house needs fixing. I'll call Garry right now to fix the pipes, if he can come. "

"What do we do with this shit? The bin is in there.". Ethan's hands were numb due to the cold glass bowl he was holding.

"Lets dump it in the main dumpster. "

Grayson's ideas sometimes were very witty and out of nowhere which made Ethan thank him for being there when his body refused to pump oxygen to his grey matter.

"Perfect!" They covered the bowl in newspaper and rushes outside.

Beside the dumpster they were struggling to cover their noses, while Grayson was jumping; needing to pee really bad with Ethan looking out for neighbours.


Before Grayson could finish his hiss/ sentence Ethan slid the bowl down the slit and crash echoed all around.

"....ly. Great, fucking great."

"Well lets go get Assai bowls, I'm having cravings." Ethan sighed.

This moment they shared a look and broke down laughing their Adam's apples off. They knew amidst all this chaos and hectic routine, they would eventually find their way to each other and the other brother's warm shoulder and taunts filled with curses and pure love were enough for them to keep chasing their dreams.

|Later that night|

E : Gray, you still up?

G: Yeah.

E : We're batshit crazy, aren't we? What are we ever gonna do?

G: Suck the lives off each others balls. With yours  saggy.

E: Shut up Gray. Good night.

G: You too bro, sleep well.

A/N :: Hey guys, this is your fellow Bromieomie. I was tired of finding their ruined and cliched personalities in every other fanfic and decided to bring out one of my own. Did you like that small chat in the end? Because I'll be adding them at the end of each chapter.
Peace .

Talking Life - A Dolan Twins FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now