Chapter 1: Where the Hell I am?!

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Anna Kendrick

An Actress

A singer

Its been a months after the showing of Pitch Perfect 3 and she can't ask for more.

Successful in life. In career. Money and lands that she invest since she start working as actress.

And one of the most successful project she ever made is the Pitch Perfect 3 though she is sadden that the BeChloe fans didn't get what they wants so when its her take to kiss Theo in the movie, she refuse to kiss him not wanting the BeChloe fans to hurt more.

In every movie she act in the character, she learn every lesson in every project like in Mr. Right, she learn to use guns and fighting since she enter a class where she can learn to fight and she learn how to use to see things move slowly. The scene in catching knife is not cheated but real for part and she like that scene.

Series of Twilight that she got interested in Supernaturals and read more supernatural books though she don't like the way the book portray, it is also the road where her career rise. Besides, its just fantasy.

Just like her recent project Pitch Perfect. She realise that she is not straight she thought she is. The Bathroom scene with Snow made her realise how gay she is in herself and it took her longer to accept it wholeheartedly.

Anna is driving as she listen to the song in the radio. She remember how she love to sing and Pitch Perfect is the thing make her comfortable because portraying Beca Mitchell is not hard for her.

She's been into many role before and success but inside of her feels like something is missing. She don't know what but she keep herself busy by working.

She is lost in thought that she is startle by the lights that is making her blind and realise that a car who is not in control coming to her way. She try to turn the wheels but the slippery road make it worse as she heard a loud horn from the car. The last thing she saw is black.




Anna felt herself in a void as she open her eyes seeing a light shining to her as she raise her hand to reach the light. To escape the void. The last thing she remember is being engulfed by the light.


"What the fuck?" Anna gasp as she look around finding herself in a unfamiliar place and feeling warm

" Where the hell I am?" Anna thought looking around but found the room with just fireplace and a bed with blanket. She look at herself finding that she still wearing the same clothes she had yesterday.


' Yesterday...' Anna trailed off having a flashback at what happen last night making her gasp. She quickly scramble from the bed as she quickly made her way outside the door making her haw drop that instead finding a city, she found herself in a snowy place.

' Where the hell am I?' Anna thought looking around to see if there is a person there but found no one as she start to freak out and speak to herself

" Okay Anna. You have to calm down... You got into accident and woke up in this place. How did you got here is you don't know but you surely have to know. So I'm freaking out right now! Where am I!?" She snap to herself as catch her breath not knowing what to do anymore. She went back to the cabin and lay in the bed to calm herself.

Anna Kendrick in Twilight WorldWhere stories live. Discover now