Chapter 4: The Cullens

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Forks Washington

Today is the day the Cullens will be starting their first day in Forks High. And Jessica is tasked by the principal to tour the students around the campus since each one of the siblings has a class with her in one of their subject.

She went to the principal office to be met by 5 gorgeous pale teenagers. And it really look like her co-stars in Twilight. The five look at her with different expression. Emmett and Alice who is grinning at her which is not shocking. Jasper who is also like in pain and Rosalie who is glaring at her which is another not shocking but what confuse her is Edward staring. He is looking at her with confusion and with frustration like he can't read her. Until she remember something.

' Crap. I almost forgot that he is a mind reader' she thought but shock when Edward is not shock by her thought.

' Is it possible that he can't read me?' Anna thought with confusion. Her thoughts snap when she heard the principal called her name.

" Ah Miss Stanley. Glad that your here. This are the Hale's and Cullens. Our new students. Kids. This is Miss Stanley, she will be the tour guide in around the school and she has at least one class in your subject." The principal said as he turn to Jessica.

" Miss Stanley. I'll leave them to you. " The principal said as Jessica smile.

" Sure." She look at the Cullens who still looking at her.

" Let's go..." She said opening the door to them as they went out the principal room.

" I'm Jessica Stanley. And Welcome to the Quiet and cold place of Forks High" She said to them as they walk to the hall way. Rosalie glare turn to confusion.

" Hi! I'm Alice Cullen. And I like your clothes!" Alice said excitedly offering her hand to her.

" Hey. Overexcited pixie" Jessica can't help but tease Alice as she pout.

" I think we're gonna be best friend" Alice said which shock her. To what she read, the Cullens are not friendly to humans.

" We'll see about that" She smirk as she look at Jasper who is not in pain anymore.

" I'm Jasper Hale" The blonde man said as he do the Texas greeting with accent.

" Let me guess. Your from Texas" Jessica stated the obvious making Jasper smirk.

" That I am"

" And you two are couple" Jessica said pointing at him and Alice making the Cullens and Hale's stop and look at him with shock.

" What?" She ask confused.

" How do you know. They didn't even tell you" The big guy named Emmett ask. Jessica look at him incredulously as she point to Jasper and Alice intertwine hands

" They are holding hands. Just like two of you." Jessica point at him and Rosalie whose hand are also intertwine as they notice that they are indeed holding hands until Emmett laugh loudly.

" I like you. Your gonna be my best friend!" Emmett said with grin.

" Emmett" She heard Rosalie hiss.

" Hey! I'm her best friend first." Alice pout at him.

" I don't know about you two." Jessica grumble.

" Does it not bother you? And I'm Edward by the way" She heard Edward ask as she look into confusion.

" Bother what? That two of your siblings want to be my best friend?" She ask in confusion as Edward shook his head.

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