× introduction ×

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× main cast ×

- Kim Ara -

Shy girl with a powerful voice.

- Lee Jaehwan/Ken -

The boy that needs to remember his childhood.

- Jung Dawon -

The popular girl that always gets what she wants.

- Hang Sanhyuk/Hyuk -

Does everything just to make his friends happy.

- Cha Eunbi -

She just wants for her best friend aka sister to always smile.

× supportive cast ×

- Cha Hakyeon/N -
- Jung Taekwoon/Leo -
- Lee Hongbin/Hongbin -
- Kim Wonsik/Ravi -
- Mrs and Mr Kim -


The characters except VIXX's members are not real.They are just part of my imagination.Some names will be made up and won't be from any kpop boy or girl group.

If you spot any grammatical or spelling mistake,you are free to warn me in the comments.

Lots of love from ❤ @kpopstorieslover

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