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Chapter 2:New friend

I exited that room and went to my usual class where we meet our class teacher.

I stepped into the classroom and I could see Dawon's evil smirk.I just looked at her and went on my seat.

We had one minute until the class starts.I stared out the window and then saw six beautiful boys entering the building.One looked my way.I just acted like I didn't care.I put my poker face on. Suddenly he winked at me.I just blinked twice still having my poker face on.Inside I was burning,like nobody ever winked at me.

Mia rushed into the classroom and said "They're here."

The class started to cheer "V.I.X.X."


I turned to Dawon and saw her unbuttoning more buttons from her blouse to reveal some more...Yeah you get it by now.

The teacher entered with the boys.

"Hello class.These boys are now in our class for the rest of the year."

Duh they won't be just the half of the year..

"Real V.I.X.,Hello we are VIXX.Nice to meet you"They bowed.

The teacher said that they can sit somewhere where is empty.

One boy approached my table.He had brownish hair and looked like he doesn't care about anything.

He said next to me and said:

"Hi,I'm Hyuk"With a smile on his face.He's kinda cute.I'm gonna be friendly then too.

"Hey,I'm Ara."I kinda smiled but not showing my teeth because I wear braces.

"Oh you're the Ara who gets always  100% on every test"He said and my smile fainted.

"Yeah.I am,well actually I'm not that smart,I don't go to any competitions.Most of the subjects,I learn by heart,the day before the test so,I'm not the smartest kid in school.She is"
I pointed at Dawom.Well it's true she really is.She remembers some topics from previous years.She always studies.

"That girl?!"He said with a high pitch tone.

"She looks like fake barbie doll.I don't like her"

Wow.I'm impressed.He doesn't like her.

"You're the first guy that said that"I made a proud face look.

"Well,if she can sing then Ken will definitely fall for her"

"May I ask you something?"


"Ken?He's name is Ken?Who's that guy?"I asked and he pointed at the guy that winked at me.Wow...He really does look like a real life ken..

"Why Ken?"

"Well he actually looks like one so the staff gave him that stage name"Good point.

The school bell ringed and the teacher already gave us the schedule for the week.Next up is Chemistry.To the laboratory..

"Hey,Ara!What were you chatting with Hyuk there?He's really cute though"

"Nothing just he introduced himself and did that too.You know he's a really nice guy.And also come to my place tonight.I have something important to tell you that I can't do it here"

"A secret?"I nodded.

We came to the laboratory and I put a notebook on my desk.It had a big violin key on it.That's actually a notebook for every subject that I bring to school if I forget the notebook that belongs to the subject.But today's the first day of school so I brought it.I kinda guessed that we'll have Chemistry today and the teacher always gives us tone of work.

Again Hyuk said next to me.

"Why aren't you sitting there with your friends?"I asked.

"Because Dawon is there.."

"You already met her?"

"Yup,she has that annoying voice.I can't stand her."

"Oh,can I ask you something?"

"Yeah,wait do you have braces?"Oh no.

"Uhm yeah.."He then smiled.

"I like girls that wear braces.That's super cute for me."I blushed at his reaction.Why am I blushing?Ara,stop it.

"Back to the question?"He said.

"Well since I've met you,and I don't really have much friends,would you be..one?"I can't believe I literally asked that.Oh dear God..

"Sure.We can hang out together sometime"

"Sounds fun"I finally smiled.Like really smiled.

He smiled back.Wow,he is really cute.The teacher was already in and he was talking so much.My eyes got heavy and my head kept falling.

My head suddenly fell and I didn't expect that.Hyuk cought my head with his hand to not get hurt.

He was holding onto my farhead.I slightly got my head up and looked at him with a confused look.

"You know I was about sleep."

"You know you could've hurt yourself and who's gonna help me on tests when you're in the hospital.."

He cares about me?

This will be a looong year..

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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