I love you [ch 11]

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[Yes that's the Jibooty, the masterpiece.]

As Jimin and I walk back to my house, we talk about elementary and high school. I tell him about the college I went to and he told me about his college. When we got to my house we said our goodbyes and he walked away looking back and smiles at me. Of course, I smile back and I open the door to my house and see an angry Jin sitting on the couch with the newspaper in his hands, wearing his glasses.

Jin really looks like a concerned Appa! Appa Jin!

Once I close the door, Jin looks up from the newspaper and sets it down angrily, he also takes his glasses off and he sets them on the coffee table with the newspaper.

"Why did it take you so long?" He crosses his arms dramatically.

"I was having a good time and I didn't check the time, sorry APPA." I yell out the "Appa" to be sarcastic and he rolls his eyes. "Why are you reading the newspaper? You never read the newspaper."

"Well I wanted to make it look like out of those movies where the dad waited for the child to come home and when it was past their curfew but I know you don't have one because you're a grown adult after all." He shows me his sweet smile."Oh yea, I also made some Bulgogi if you want some it'll be in the kitchen."

"Otay danka, Oppa. I'm starving anyways." I state as I walk to the kitchen, dragging my feet. I grab the plate I see in the fridge with my name on it, it has clear aluminum foil wrapped around the plate and I take the foil off, I put it in the microwave and I heat it up.

I take it out once it's done and I grab some chopsticks, I sit down at the table and pull my chopsticks apart. I bow and pray to my food and say another thanks to my amazing older brother. As I eat I hear the front door open so I look up to see a sad, tired moppy Analise and of course, Jin hopped up and took her hand leading her to the couch, sitting down and making her sit closely next to him. I heard him asking how her day was and asking if she was okay, she was telling him what happened and how her day was, she also asked him how his day was and he smiled like an idiot saying," Better now that you're here."

They are so cuteeee! I love it! I ship it! They are so perfect together.

As I watch them smile and laugh together and talk about their days, I open the fridge and grab a cold water bottle, I sit at the table watching them, seeing how perfect they are together. I take a gulp of water from my water bottle and I sit there for about 5 minutes. After I get up and go up to my room, heading towards my desk and computer, sitting right in front of it and I lift the top eager to see if Jimin texted me. Which he did.

Heyyy y/n.

Heyyy ChimChim, Oppa.

What's with you calling me Oppa all of a sudden?

Dunno. Oppa.

So I wanted to see if you would want to hang out again tomorrow?


What do you have in mind, Oppa?


A playground.


a playground? I haven't been to once since Elementary.

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