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She's who I want


"Who the fuck is that?" I murmur under my breath to no one in particular.

I was settled in front of the fireplace, scrolling through my busy Twitter feed, when someone started knocking on the door. It's not like I'm expecting any visitors at this time of the night.

I swung the door open, "Yes?" I hissed.

"That's no way to speak to your favorite person." She said.

"No way! What the hell are you doing here, in Miami, Kelly?" I took her Tommy Hilfiger duffle bag, and embraced her, "Please don't tell me daddy fired you."

I motioned for her to come in, and took in her signature scent, vanilla bean.

She stepped in, "Please, your father would rather fire all his employees, than me."

We both laughed at the thought of her not being at my fathers side.

It was true though, Kelly helped my dad pretty much run the company. She started working there on an internship senior year of high school, but got hooked, went to school for business, got her bachelors degree, and started working for my father. She was his secretary and correspondent worker, she helped him with almost everything. Kelly was a intelligent woman, and that's exactly what my father needed.

I admired Kelly, she was young, but still so smart and bold, it's never easy being an African American woman in "the white man's world", but she's made it.

She didn't need a man to tell her what to do, and kept to herself. And after the whole fiasco that went down with Sara, I enjoyed knowing I had an older, more loyal friend. Kelly was the only one I'd told about the whole incident, and I knew she'd never do anything to hurt me.

"So why are you really here, Kel?"

She passed out on my coach, "Well, I've been booking a ticket to see you for a while, and when your dad said you started working for the Ross' on Monday... what better time to haul my ass over and have a girls weekend?"

I was initially planning on calling Nick over to help me move into the apartment that the Ross' were renting out to me (in their name) for the weekends, and and fool around some. Lord knows I can really use some BBC right now. But I hadn't seen Kelly since I graduated from high school, so I was more than glad to spend Friday night, and the weekend with her.

"What did my father say about that?" I plopped a Chuao Chocolatier drop in my mouth and let the savory chocolate melt on my tongue.

"He was grumpy about my leaving on Friday night, since Friday's are our most busy days, but later lightened up for the sake that I would be taking care of you."

"Lit," I did a little dance

She snatched the bowl of complimentary treats from my hand, and ate the last Chuao, "I really don't understand why these are so expensive, they taste just like Hershey's."

I rolled my eyes, "We should totes do something tonight, I'm in a dancing mood."

"Let's go to a strip club." Kelly blandly suggested.

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