Chapter 2

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"All of them?" I whisper. My father's face is as pale as mine must be. I can feel the blood draining to my fingers and toes, my whole body going cold and stiff with fear. Only my mother stays calm, her hands clasped in front of her, thumbs overlapping. The slight pulse fluttering at the base of her neck is the only sign that there is anything amiss at all.

My father stands, his face returning to the placid features of a king. This is what he's been doing since before I was born. This is what I will be trained for. His whole form tenses, back straightening and hands clasping behind his back. "It seems we will need to prepare for a visit from the High Lords' visit. Mae, come see me in the throne room in an hour." I nod, unable to find my voice. "Laef," he looks to where my mother is still sitting, poised as ever. "Call the seamstress that designed the dress for Kira's first meeting with the Lords. Tell her we will pay her whatever she wants to work through the night on something for Mae." Mother nods.

He leaves before I can find the air to speak. I huff out a breath, trying my best to sort through the thoughts weaving through my mind. The High Lords are coming to meet with a princess who will never be able to attend another meeting, let alone ever become the Queen. And I will have to take her place, like I've been standing in for her in everything since she died. Since she was killed. The whispered words flit through my head, leaving me even more shaken than before.

My mother finally stands, coming over to where I've been kneeling since the servant informed us of the news. I glance up and realize the girl has managed to slip away without me noticing. I shake my head as she approaches, flexing my jaw and clamping my teeth together. The pain is enough to jar me from my stupor, my mother's gaze searching my face for something she doesn't seem to find. You are a disappointment. The voice whispers again, and as I search Mother's face, I see it – the slight twinge of sadness as she remembers that I am not my sister. I will never Kira and my parents are all too aware of that fact.

She must see my thoughts racing across my features because the emotions empty from her face and I can almost pretend I never saw them. "Mae, you understand how important this meeting is." I blink. "It will be important that you remember your studies and your training. The High Lords like to antagonize and question us. But your Father is always in control and they will never push too far. Remember that it is all a game." Just as our lives are. The unspoken words hang in the air between us, reminding me of the pact forged seven hundred years ago to bring peace and create Arboreum. "Mae, tell me that you understand."

"I understand." I sigh.

She nods and whispers something about going to find the seamstress, leaving me alone in the dining hall. I take a moment to push the chairs back into their places, grabbing a few plates and walking over to the door leading to the kitchen. A surprised servant meets me as I step through, insisting on taking the dishes from me. I hand them to the boy before turning and retrieving the rest of our dishes. A sink set on one corner is stacked with dishes from the days meals and I place them on top, setting the stack to teetering. The boy runs over, grunting with the effort of trying to right the pile.

"Sorry." I exclaim. "I'm not usually this clumsy."

"I can imagine that you would be out of sorts," The boy laughs. "Especially after that conversation."

I glance over and smile at him. "You heard that?"

"I was bringing out dessert when that female came in." he jerks his head behind him and I follow the motion to see a large pile of fruits piled on top of a beautiful chocolate cake. We're finally able to right the pile of dishes and I go over to a stack of clean plates, grabbing two off the top.

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