Chapter 1:Daydreams

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Zoe's  POV:
"He's so handsome",I thought ad Gabo took his beside me.
"Zoe;Zoe;Zoe",the teacher called.I broke out of my trance.
"Yes,sir?!",I said startled. Everyone burst out in laughter. I could feel my cheeks turning red and hot."Wow.Nice going Zoe.You just embarrassed yourself in front of your crush. Your Gabo Moretti.
"Could you please tell me the chemical elements used in preventing rusting?"
"Those would be zinc and copper."I said.
"Thank you Zoe."Saved by the smarts.Again.
I really don't know what's happening to me.Most of the time I'm daydreaming about Gabo. During volleyball practices, during lunch,during classes. Anytime I see him there'd be butterflies in my stomach. My knees become weak and I'm a blushing mess and if I don't tell him soon,I'll lose my sanity. Only one problem, what if he doesn't feel thesame and I am left heartbroken!?!!

Gabo's POV:
I don't know what's wrong but anytime I'm close to Zoe,she goes all 'stranger-danger' on me.
Maybe she doesn't like me. I've been trying to ask her out for sometime now but I don't even get a chance to talk to her properly. I've even gone ahead to ask for Francisco's permission before even talking to her.
I just want to talk to her.

The Next Day,
I called my grandma to give me advice on how to approach Zoe.
"Hey Grandma."
"Hello my dear. What can I do for you?"
"Well Grandma, I need your advice on a very delicate matter."
"What is it love?"
"Umm,there's this girl I want to ask out. I was wondering if you could tell me how to approach her."
"Aww,my baby boy's all grown up. So tell me,is Zoe the lucky girl?"
"Yes she is but anytime I try to talk to her, she acts strangely as if she's avoiding me."
"Maybe she's just nervous. But when you have the courage to approach her just be yourself."
"Thanks Grandma."
"Anything for you dear."
"Bye ma"
"Bye. I love you. Take care."
I'm gonna do this. I'm ready for this.

The next day,5:30am;
Zoe's POV:
My phone just buzzed. Who could it be? Wait,it is a text message from....Gabo. I almost dropped the phone. Gabo texted me. Now I was just hyperventilating. With all the guts I had,I opened the message. It read:
"Hi Zoe. Pls meet me at the field before classes. And I'm sorry for disturbing you sooo  early.
HE wants me to meet him. I have to be prepared for the worst or best. Wow,just wow.

            Author's Note:
Thanks everyone that's reading this story. This is my first story and I just hope you like it. Also  I do not own any of the characters mentioned. I only own the plot. Thanks again dears.
           !!!Flavouri Out!!!

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